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  1. W

    Multiple Worksheet, VBA information detail question

    Sorry to bother you again but I have one last request and this case can be officially solved. The results of the string in the comment include spaces where the reference cell is 0. How do I make the string only include the tabs that actually have values instead of essential placing blank spaces...
  2. W

    Multiple Worksheet, VBA information detail question

    Smallman, you sir are a magician. Thank you so much for the help!
  3. W

    Multiple Worksheet, VBA information detail question

    Cheers Smallman, Although if you are up for it I have one more challenge for you. Instead of making the macro static on just A4, how can I alter it so that any cell selected will add the comments as well? Let's say for instance I run the code on C5, it will go through each page, check to see...
  4. W

    Multiple Worksheet, VBA information detail question

    Here is the link to the example excel file I have uploaded to dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rd2pe22l4okjnhv/Example.xlsx Hopefully someone can help me with this as this is a bit out of my range in VBA knowledge. What I am looking for is a code, that once activated, will either input a...
  5. W

    VBA global sheetchange with excluded sheets

    I feel like an idiot, thank you sir for the fast reply. Works great!
  6. W

    VBA global sheetchange with excluded sheets

    Here is the VBA function I have wrote out currently per each sheet sheet2:sheet21. Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) If Intersect(Target, Range("Input.Trim")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub If Target.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub If Target.Value > 0 Then Target =...
  7. W

    VBA to change value with index function

    Hey guys, Y'all been awesome so far with helping me with my excel questions so I got one more that has been stumping me for a few hours now. I have attached a basic example which incorporates 2 worksheets. Due to limitations involving looking-up values across multiple sheets I have decided...
  8. W

    Sumproduct through dynamic sheet range vba

    Hui, Unfortunately keeping all the data consolidated onto a single page is not appropriate for this project. The data given was a sample of a very large list of items pertaining to each manager. Is there anyway, the multiple sheet set-up could be feasable?
  9. W

    Sumproduct through dynamic sheet range vba

    Hello ladies and gentlemen, Since I had such a great experience on my last post I decided to return once again with a problem that has me stumped. I am basically looking to build a workbook that utilizes the sumproduct function (or one that is more efficient) to combine information...
  10. W

    Multiply values in row that match corresponding column

    Wow that is exactly what I was looking for thank you so much for the help! I can't believe I couldn't put that together myself...
  11. W

    Multiply values in row that match corresponding column

    Hi there, sorry if this is a confusing explanation but I am going to try my best. For this workbook, I am looking to first see if Yes is included in row 2, if so, I want the value in row 4 to be multiplied by the number in row 6. After each number is multiplied, I want them summed together and...
  12. W

    Input form that disallows duplicates with matching fields

    That validation works perfectly thank you! I can use that dynamic range for my other formula as well instead of bringing it out to the 9999 row heh. I could also use that for my spreadsheet with the Fund List if only there was a way to incorporate an "autofill" for a dropdown list in the input...
  13. W

    Input form that disallows duplicates with matching fields

    Hello, just wanted to apologize if I don't seem clear as I am truely lost with VBA and this is actually my first post on these forums. Basically I have a workbook with two main spreadsheets, first as an input spreadsheet where a VBA form is used to input a record while the second serves as the...