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Search results

  1. krishnaraj

    Spell checking locked worksheets and identifying cell with error.

    We have a issue with our spam filter and cannot use excel files containing macros (.xlsm). Is there anyway we can accomplish spell check with .xlsx file format and protected sheets?
  2. krishnaraj

    Timesheet Review

    Attached herewith is a timesheet which was done for a whole year. Please provide feedback for any improvement. Any ideas are welcome. Thanks in advance.
  3. krishnaraj

    I need help with sorting data

    Please see if the attached sheet works...
  4. krishnaraj

    Date field in Pivot table

    Thanks Bob and Faseeh, the catch I had was the fiscal year not starting in Jan. Currently if I have a date which reads 2/1/2015, this should go into FY 2014-2015 and should read as 2014 and not 2015.
  5. krishnaraj

    Date field in Pivot table

    I have a unique case where I have 500 projects with start dates varying from 1/1/2013 to 12/31/2028. I would like to extract data based on fiscal year on the pivot table, where the fiscal year would be from Apr - Mar. Currently it is not grouped based on the criteria. Any help would be greatly...
  6. krishnaraj

    Paste special cells

    Try taking the data into a pivot table and report using divisions.
  7. krishnaraj

    Formula Sum

    Thanks Colin, It was very helpful. Now I have another issue, I am subtracting values from 2 cells using the same format. It holds good for a positive value and does not recoganize the negative value. Example: If cell A1 has a value of 10:00 and Cell A2 has a value of 8:00. Cell A3 has a...
  8. krishnaraj

    Formula Sum

    Sorry, forgot to mention further investigation results. Basically it cancels out after every 24 hour period, how to over come this problem?
  9. krishnaraj

    Formula Sum

    Dear Chandoo I have a excel timesheet which has the cells in the format of Custom h:mm. I have 5 working days and if I sum these 5 cells the sum cell is not providing the correct total. Assuming I have 8:00 in 3 cells, for some reason the total shows as 0:00. It has something to do with the...