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  1. A

    Creating Back to Back PDF based on Row Data in Excel using VBA (Loop)

    Hi Anil, Firstly would like to wish you & your family a very happy dushera. After the durga puja vacation for 4 days I am back in office. Regarding your last post I have checked the link is available now. Please check & revert. http://sdrv.ms/RMYcYi Regards, Amit
  2. A

    Creating Back to Back PDF based on Row Data in Excel using VBA (Loop)

    Hi Anil, Firstly I would like to thank you for your help & spending your valuable time to solving my problem. The file is working fine in first time. But whenever I was trying to generating for the second time it was not working even after deletion the entire folder "Feb'12". The...
  3. A

    Creating Back to Back PDF based on Row Data in Excel using VBA (Loop)

    Hello, I am trying to write a code which will generate payslips for the employees in PDF format. I have a excel work book with 2 sheets, 1 is payroll data (details of employees with salary data) & the another is Payslip (Format)in which I want to generate the payslips. I need to generate...
  4. A

    VBA Code For Creating Payslips In Excel

    Hi sgmpatnaik, Thanks for your time & valuable help. But i need to generate all Payslips based on data available in payroll sheet & save them as employee name in a specified folder in C drive with one click. Regards,
  5. A

    VBA Code For Creating Payslips In Excel

    Please refer to the link below for the file which till I have made & further help is required. http://sdrv.ms/QU2hqF Regards,
  6. A

    VBA Code For Creating Payslips In Excel

    Hello, I am trying to write a code which will generate payslips for the employees in PDF format. I have a excel work book with 2 sheets, 1 is payroll data (details of employees with salary data) & the another is Payslip (Format)in which I want to generate the payslips. Please help me out to...