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Search results

  1. G

    How can I find duplicate text values in two columns?

    Hi everyone, Here is an editable example of what I'm looking at: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmLPCvepr-4BdFZZRzF3NFR2QW1YNTl6ODFlV20tWVE You will see the name "Mach" in both columns A and C but the formula I'm using doesn't register this duplication, even though it registers...
  2. G

    How can I find duplicate text values in two columns?

    Hello, I'm not very good with Excel and could use help with my task. I have two columns of data. Column A are names of people who belong to an organization. Column B are names of people who have attended a meeting. I need to find all the names in Column A that are present in Column B. Can...