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  1. E

    time diff computation

    thanks you so much to both of you....
  2. E

    time diff computation

    hello again, pls help me to solve, that working time is 9am, reported at 10:45am, subtracting the two, 1 hour and 45 minutes late, how can i put a formula into it, and formula also for reporting earlier. -tried this formula IF(9am>(10:45am),HOUR(C38),minutes(C38)) but it was an #name...
  3. E

    vlookup for more table criteria

    Hi Narayan, Got the email, and thanking so much for the big help... I've been trying to figure this out since friday.. thanks again!! Linda
  4. E

    vlookup for more table criteria

    sorry for mis understanding.. password for the file : 7180 thanks.
  5. E

    vlookup for more table criteria

    Hi Narayan, sent an email already. hope you received it. Thanks so much. Linda
  6. E

    vlookup for more table criteria

    Hello, Kindly go to the link at the bottom.. Dear Sir/Madam, Welcome to the 2shared.com community! Your account details: ------------------------------------------------ Your login is: linbenavente@yahoo.com Your password is: KBE*t2!*1m1v To verify your e-mail address, please click...
  7. E

    vlookup for more table criteria

    Hi, pls. see below.. sorry but our pc in not allowed to download any program. Dear Sir/Madam, Welcome to the 2shared.com community! Your account details: ------------------------------------------------ Your login is: linbenavente@yahoo.com Your password is: KBE*t2!*1m1v Thanks...
  8. E

    vlookup for more table criteria

    Hello, password: KBE*t2!*1m1v Thank you so much for the time.. Linda
  9. E

    vlookup for more table criteria

    Sir, no idea how to use dropbox.. is there any options..
  10. E

    vlookup for more table criteria

    Hello, Uploaded the file to below link.. http://www.2shared.com/file/f-wIbOZ_/linda_2nd_assignment.html Thanks so much...
  11. E

    vlookup for more table criteria

    Below is the exact table, I want to put the price for the given items.. Table1 Table2 Table3 Beverage Fruits Vegetable items Price items Price items Price Water $2.50 Apple $15.00...
  12. E

    vlookup for more table criteria

    Hello, Kindly guide me how to attach the file.. Thanks, Linda
  13. E

    vlookup for more table criteria

    Hi, Thanks for welcoming me... By the way below is the formula which I tried so far.. it's really eating my head....:( if(or(VLOOKUP(A19,$K$8:$L$26,2,0),if(vlookup(A19,G3:H9,2,0),if(vlookup(A19,A3:B9,2,)) is possible i can use combination of IF,OR,and Vlookup function only as this are the...
  14. E

    vlookup for more table criteria

    new to excel function,, and trying to learn.. can you please help me on the table below. Beverage Fruits Vegetable items Price items Price items Price Water $2.50 Apple $15.00 Squash $10.00 Tea $2.00 Water Melon $10.00 Cabbage $16.00 Coffee $1.75...