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Search results

  1. A

    VBA - click on cell, open form / message box

    thank you all, i will attempt these when i get some spare time at work and post back. thanks again
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    VBA - click on cell, open form / message box

    Hi, Sheet 1, Column A holds unique Activity Numbers Sheet 3, Column A holds Activity Numbers (may appear more than once) and Column C holds Issue Numbers On Sheet 1 id like to click a cell in Column A and have a message box appear with the Issue numbers from sheet 3. id like this to happen...
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    a little help please - lost a sheet

    thanks for the quick response. its highly likely someone has tried emailing the file to someone or taken a copy and as you have said havent saved it. i guess there is nothing i can do at present though. cheers
  4. A

    a little help please - lost a sheet

    i have a excel file called "boat 5 conditional management" and within that i have various sheets. one of the sheets "Main" has gone missing. Ive tried to unhide worksheets by right clicking - unhide but there is nothing to unhide. i know the worksheet is there as i have a graph array that...
  5. A

    VBA Use Cell Input In Macro

    Cheers Hui, after posting i went away and it hit me. seems all i needed to do was ask..... now i know its not Murpheys Law so ill log that one down to Sods Law. thanks :D
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    VBA Use Cell Input In Macro

    I need to insert a number of rows into a worksheet. I cannot copy and paste as thier is information on the worksheet that cannot be removed. The number changes on each worksheet and Id prefer not to use Named Ranges because of this. The code below works but i would like to take the number 5 (in...
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    Cant get Contains Named Range in Filter to work

    Hui it works a treat, you are a god. thank you very much indeed. this will save so much time now. We have teamleaders that cover multiple areas and cover multiple systems and they cross over frequently so there isnt an easy logic to it. However with the above code we can now show them which...
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    Cant get Contains Named Range in Filter to work

    as above. named range works fine as equals etc but cant get it to work for Contains named range is strfilterstring any help greatly appreciated. cheers ActiveSheet.ListObjects("Table__1124_Defects_By_TeamLeader___Test_Path_Dates"). _ Range.AutoFilter Field:=4...
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    A little VBA help please

    so simple yet so powerful its brilliant. thank you both very much.
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    A little VBA help please

    Good afternoon. Im after a little VBA help. Ive created a macro that filters a column based on a cell. However the macro reads this as “=TP351033C” when I really want to be able to change the cell to a new value and then rerun in future. Im sure its got something to do with DIM but cant...
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    2003 – 2007 Array issue - Data issue ?

    Thanks Hui, im still not sure whats going on but have resloved it now ive changed the column references B:B and D:D to B7:B20000 etc not ideal but it works in both 2003 and 2007 and we should never see 20000 issues. cheers
  12. A

    2003 – 2007 Array issue - Data issue ?

    thanks Hui but that didnt work either, again it worked unitl the update. when i downlad the file i do get a message the file you are trying to download is in a different format than the file extension, verify that the file is not corrupted etc etc its looking more likely that 2003 doesnt...
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    2003 – 2007 Array issue - Data issue ?

    Ive created a spreadsheet in 2007 that ive saved as 2003 compatible. I copy some data from an intranet webpage download and paste it into the ccdb_reports tab. On the 1123 tab I have an array. {=SUM((ccdb_reports!B:B=2)*(ccdb_reports!D:D=""))} This array works perfectly in 2007 yet only...
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    Question - Excel Charts 2007 – Format Data Series - Gradient Fill

    ah yes i remember reading a post about changing the bars now, ill see if i can dig it up cheers again
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    Question - Excel Charts 2007 – Format Data Series - Gradient Fill

    In the gradient fill section there is a stop position which allows you to dictate were the gradient finishes at. you can add multiple stop positions to one bar. cheers
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    Question - Excel Charts 2007 – Format Data Series - Gradient Fill

    Is there any way to change the Stop Position % based on a value in a cell ? Cheers
  17. A

    Hyperlink to Sheet created by Moving Chart - Problem

    Brilliant, thank you very much
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    Hyperlink to Sheet created by Moving Chart - Problem

    Ive created plenty of charts in excel 2007 and Move Chart – New sheet. These are then referenced in a powerpoint show with no problem. Because I want to quickly move to a chart ive created a dashboard with a shapes and which I want to hyperlink to the relevant chart. However when I tr to...
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    Large Excel File Problems

    I have a couple of problems with two excel files. One is a pivot table and one is its source. currently the file size of the pivot table is in excess of 100 Meg and the source is in excess of 35 meg. Both get larger with each save. They should be around 6-10 meg for the pivot and a lot less...
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    Pivot Table Question

    Cheers Chandoo, thats much quicker than copying and pasting, and the formula will be in use for quite some time, as Excel 2007 is just about to be approved for use in the business... Cheers again
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    Pivot Table Question

    im trying to run some data from pivot tables but am getting annoyed with the fact that it groups like items together, and cant find an option to "show all". e.g i have 2 people A and B and each have products 1,2,3,4. If i ran a pivot with people then product i would get one A group with 4...