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  1. IDidNotDoIt

    How to create a macro that clears entries on a worksheet?

    ;) I've been always wondering why this guy's (should I say mec?, devrais-je dire) answers are short, clear, concise and effective... ;)
  2. IDidNotDoIt

    Locking a folder using VBA

    Hi! That's a Windows feature, not one of Excel. You'd better go for assigning permissions to different users. Regards!
  3. IDidNotDoIt

    Printing updated time in .xlsx file without changing any cell

    Hi, Grah Guido! Thank you for taking your time to answer this post. I'm afraid that not all the workstations running this workbook have installed PQ -in fact just a few- and deploying it depends on another department, it's not so easy and immediate. However I'll give it a try just to learn the...
  4. IDidNotDoIt

    Powerbi Dashboard

    Hi, Mohammed Ashraf! I hope you're not sharing actual names and numbers publicly, are you? If so, please replace it with fantasy names in order to preserve anonymity. I think that someone at Nestlé may get a bit concerned. Regards!
  5. IDidNotDoIt

    Printing updated time in .xlsx file without changing any cell

    Hi, all! I have a non-macro file (.xlsx) which I can't transform in a macro file (.xlsb or .xlsm) due to security policies. There is a worksheet that shows the actual time (let's say A1: =NOW()), but it only gets updated if a cell in the worksheet is modified or user recalculates it manually...
  6. IDidNotDoIt

    Excel crashes when referencing the nth-1 array element

    Hi, Hui! Thank you very much for your kindness. Even I have it yet coded for small numbers (<10^6) I'll give it a look today, it's never late to learn something new or different approachs for the same problem. However I think that the crash error exceeds the scope of this problem and there's...
  7. IDidNotDoIt

    Excel crashes when referencing the nth-1 array element

    Hi! Quoting forum rules... "Consider that the world is operating 24hrs a day. A late post today may well be answered by someone else overnight.", I think that the world has taken a couple of turns since I wrote this post... so... Quoting Pink Floyd... "Is there anybody out there?" who can...
  8. IDidNotDoIt

    Excel crashes when referencing the nth-1 array element

    Hi, all! I'm trying to play with prime numbers and implementing several methods for calculating them. When arrived to Eratosthenes' sieve I need to use as much as memory as possible, so my algorithm starts dimensioning an array and sizing downwards until no Error 7 Out of Memory happen. Then I...
  9. IDidNotDoIt

    Cell Coloring without VBA Code or Conditional Formatting

    Hi, D.GHOSH! AFAIK you can't copy anything except either manually or by VBA code. If function used within a cell formula it's just used to calculate a the result value and not to perform any action. Regards!
  10. IDidNotDoIt

    Organize data by the number of decimal places

    Hi, tscottharp! Despite of the fact that there exist coordinates even with no decimal places (sites at exact degrees of either latitude or longitude), you could try at H2: =IF(AND(ROUND(F2,3)=F2, ROUND(G2,3)=G2),"N","Y") Then filter by H column. Regards!
  11. IDidNotDoIt

    Dealing with constraints of Excel for Android

    Hi, Luke M! I'm afraid that we'll have to go for the variant without helper row, since it's required to have a helper row per each point, because even if the distance matrix remains constant (ergo, row used for each point too), the array of used points changes for each new point. In the5x5...
  12. IDidNotDoIt

    named ranges and data validation

    Hi, JM. Dows this happen even when the value 'namedrange1' is selected at A1? Or only when no value is chosen? Regards!
  13. IDidNotDoIt

    Dealing with constraints of Excel for Android

    Hi, Luke M! Please give me until tomorrow to test and try to deploy this variant and I'll get back to you ASAP. Thanks a lot. Regards.
  14. IDidNotDoIt

    Dealing with constraints of Excel for Android

    Re reading again, that's for third time your last post, and regarding my million helper cells range, if you can manage to use N cells (either row or column wise), I think I could adapt the model. The reason of the range of used points vertically (by column) is because of the model that requires...
  15. IDidNotDoIt

    Dealing with constraints of Excel for Android

    The number 2, that's to say the order of the 1st (or last, it's up to you) point with minimum distance. The constraints of not using helper cells is that users may select any number of points, 100, 1000... At the original workbook for Excel for Windows, dynamic ranges, array formulas and a bit...
  16. IDidNotDoIt

    How to check/compare the two columns Whether it is correct or not

    Wouldn't it be in C2 and copy down?: =(A2=B2)
  17. IDidNotDoIt

    Dealing with constraints of Excel for Android

    Hi, Luke M! Thank you very much for time, I highly appreciate it. I don't know if you've been able to download the sample file as I'm still unable to upload the sample using the built-in feature from my Android phone. However I'll try to write down an example with numbers not so confusing...
  18. IDidNotDoIt

    Datedif funcation error on Negative Values

    Days since pandemic started? :rolleyes:
  19. IDidNotDoIt

    Dealing with constraints of Excel for Android

    Unable to attach file. Please get it at this link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jwoc8a4gur74cmn/Array%20test%20with%20non-array%20formulas.xlsx?dl=0
  20. IDidNotDoIt

    Dealing with constraints of Excel for Android

    Hi, all! I have a workbook that solves the problem of finding the optimal way to go thru a group of addresses identified by their geographic coordinates, in order to minimize the distance. Technically speaking, It is developed using VBA and array formulas, as it was originally intended to be...
  21. IDidNotDoIt

    Rats, I am a man of a few words, but a man of many Riddles, so riddle me this: what is it that...

    Rats, I am a man of a few words, but a man of many Riddles, so riddle me this: what is it that is always coming, but never arrives?!
  22. IDidNotDoIt

    Fermat&#39;s last theorem

    Luke M Wouldn't you be as kind as to tackle it? Surely it is an interesting challenge and I read this a few moments ago http://chandoo.org/forums/topic/forum-miss-luke-m#post-73281 F.G.
  23. IDidNotDoIt

    Fermat&#39;s last theorem

    I recently read an article about Andrew Wiles who solved the last theorem of Fermat in 1993 and published two years later. I would like to know if anybody could do it in Excel. It is an ideal exercise for those who are looking for interesting challenges, isn't it? F.G.
  24. IDidNotDoIt

    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    Hi! I'm Frank Gorshin from Gotham City and I love seeing how people try to solve riddles using Excel.