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  1. B

    No of days between two dates

    Correct narayan! the first time i did text-to-col, i got the wrong answer! And had to do text-to-col one more time before i get the correct answer...
  2. B

    No of days between two dates

    oh... i just realized i need to repeat the text-to-col step twice for each column before i can get the correct answer?..
  3. B

    No of days between two dates

    Hui, that works too! wow thanks.
  4. B

    No of days between two dates

    Thanks Hui. The formula works on some rows but not on others. Hi Narayan, yes you describe the situation very well! Thanks and well noted.
  5. B

    No of days between two dates

    Thanks Deb. http://www.2shared.com/file/Y4aFwkaL/Book2.html Hi Jesse and Hui, I am unable to do a simple subtraction...
  6. B

    No of days between two dates

    *embarassed* how do i share excel file in the forum? I cannot see any option for me to click...
  7. B

    No of days between two dates

    Hi All, I need to calculate the number of days between two dates. The database is downloaded from the web. For one reason or another, LEN=5 for some dates and LEN=10 for the rest. My formula is...
  8. B

    Is SumProduct the solution?

    oh yes it works with Ctrl+shift+enter. now i understand le.. thanks!
  9. B

    Is SumProduct the solution?

    Hi shrivallabha, i get #VALUE!
  10. B

    Is SumProduct the solution?

    yay! thank you thank you!!!!!
  11. B

    Is SumProduct the solution?

    Hi Jai9, I was hoping to do away with additional column. Hi Luke M, I recalculated. I think it should be 9.92 Units Unit Price Unit Comm Total Comm 2 160 1.30 2.60 3 331 2.16 6.47 1 85 0.85 0.85 9.92
  12. B

    Is SumProduct the solution?

    Thanks Jai9! How do I sum up all the rows after I do the If formula? Your formula is only good for one row?
  13. B

    Is SumProduct the solution?

    Thanks very much, Kaushik and Luke M. I tried the formula but end up with #NAME? Units Unit Price 2 160 3 331 1 85 I believe the answer should be 7.76
  14. B

    Is SumProduct the solution?

    I have one column for Units and one column for Price. Commission is calculated based on first $100 x 1% plus remainder x 0.5%. Is there any quick formula for this? Many thanks! BM