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Search results

  1. T

    Grid mapping

    Thank you Narayan. That formula works. BTW, I love this site. I've used it a few times since it changed from Pointy Haired Dilbert. Keep up the GREAT work Chandoo and team. Awesome!
  2. T

    Grid mapping

    Here is a shorthand version of what I am looking for. I'm sorry that I haven't been able to describe it adequately. The top left is my table of products, category, row location and column location. The bottom right is what I am wishing to complete in Excel, although on a larger scale. The...
  3. T

    Grid mapping

    The data would be much like I described: Tools, Hand Tools, 15,12; Media, Books, 10,25. The headers for those four columns would be: Group, Category, Row, Column. I'd like the Group to be inside the cell that cooresponded to the coordinates within the grid map. My data is not in electronic...
  4. T

    Grid mapping

    Sorry, I probably should have defined its use a little more. The way I visualized it was to create a map to find the stored product. I anticipate some 'cells' in the grid will have no product and will need no identifying label (Tools). At this point in time, I need no other use than a map to...
  5. T

    Grid mapping

    Narayan, One product, one space. The only additional operations would be moving this product in and out of the space. I would print the grid off for easier location. No additional data analysis is planned at this time. Thanks, tdd903
  6. T

    Grid mapping

    I have a gridded space of 50 by 50 that stores product by coordinates (Media, Books, 10-25; Media, Music 12-2; Tools, Hand Tools, 2-24; etc.). I would like to map these on a spreadsheet that would place the overall topic in the cell at that location (Media or Tools). I'm not sure of the...
  7. T

    Need to retrieve data from 3rd column based upon criteria in first 2 columns

    Chandoo, Thank you, it worked well. Hui, I could not get yours to work. Could be user error though... Thank you for your response.
  8. T

    Need to retrieve data from 3rd column based upon criteria in first 2 columns

    Hello, I have a table of data where the first column is the month of the year, usually in chronological order. There are up to ten listings of each month. In the second column there are names of sales people. Some repeat month to month, others do not. The third column is a code consisting...