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Search results

  1. O

    Problem in creating a formulaic solution to avoid iteratative calculation to allocate values

    Any help in devising the solution would then be appreciated. let me know if my problem is articulated clearly enough.
  2. O

    Problem in creating a formulaic solution to avoid iteratative calculation to allocate values

    I am trying to replace a long iterative calculation with a simple formula as explained within the attached spreadsheet. ideally it will be done with formulas rather than macros, but any solution would be appreciated. thanks much
  3. O

    Match function/Array

    I am trying to create a simple formula to allow me to create a simple list of high priority items from an input summary page using match/index function with an array (or another function, but my lists are dynamic). My raw file is quite large but I attached a file that substantially simplifies...
  4. O

    combining multiple conditional output into a list in single cell

    apologies ! I was too anxious to get an answer and missed out on the introduction request. I just posted an introduction and read the site rules and info. Thank you for that. Your answer's output is exactly what i was looking for. appreciate the quick response. If i were to have 30...
  5. O

    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    My name is Oren and I work in a financial firm in NY. Typically involved in financial modeling but finding this site very helpful for data management problems that I am tackling.
  6. O

    combining multiple conditional output into a list in single cell

    Assume i have Row 1 header row: names of fruit in 5 diff columns (i actually have 20, but using small numbers for simplicity): Apple, Orange, Grape, Banana, Lemon Column 1: lists vitamins: Vitamin B, C, D, E, F, G, etc. each fruit has a combination of vitamins, all, some or none...