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Search results

  1. J

    Cell Colors

    Thank you! VBA feels foreign to me and I tend to avoid it. You set it up well. What I am trying to do is determine the color of a cell in a row and convert the color to a reference number 1-x. Then I want to do a bubble chart of the reference numbers. I am trying to convert an image in a...
  2. J

    Cell Colors

    I have a row of 10 cell with 7 different colors and I need to determine the "Color Index" number for each cell in the cell below. A1:A10 have 7 diff colors - B1:B10 refer to the "Color Index" number associated with the cell above. I would rather not use vba.
  3. J

    Count by clicking

    I would like to click on a cell and have the number of each click show up in the cell. Example: If I click the cell A5 five times the number "5" appears in the cell. Or click A4 and the number shows up in A5. Any ideas?
  4. J

    Form Controls

    Thank you for your post. I can make that work. It looks like I can select the option buttons to size to the cell and move with the cell, but it won't allow me to select it. I'm afraid if I add a line above a group it will mess up the whole spreadsheet. Any ideas?
  5. J

    Form Controls

    I am looking for a series of Check-boxes that are grouped together. For example, you have two or more options like, Lighting Package 1, Lighting Package 2, Lighting Package 3, etc. If you select Package 1 then change your mind to Package 2 it will uncheck Package 1.