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Search results

  1. L

    help with extracting unique data

    see the attached link this is just the data sample... the data usialy is in no specific order... https://docs.google.com/open?id=0BwckfCm1BHwnQlVFWklzTVdIWXM
  2. L

    help with extracting unique data

    no, just take the column [Week] and extract the 16 unique values from it... no special criteria or other conditions. Just that the list is sorted ascending...
  3. L

    help with extracting unique data

    Hi Faseeh, as I mentioned it my range is tblNewExtract[Week] as as of this week it contains values 2012/49; 2012/50, 2012/51... 2013/12 I do not have any specific criteria, as this column contains only these 16 values and I need to extract them sorted and cleared of duplicates. My table...
  4. L

    help with extracting unique data

    Hey guys, I have a need for a formula, that would be fast and that would automatically extract 16 sorted unique text values from a table containing about 13k records. I have a table that contains a column(field) with week number in yyyy/ww format (e.g.: 2012/48; 2013/01,...). The file contains...
  5. L

    Any good documentation on Excel 2007 data tables?

    ;o]]] Yeap, Ninja-hood, here I come... so far I am on the way somewhere around a Guru-hood since I am the one people turn to with help requests, but that does not mean I am good enough already. There sre still so many new things to learn, new ways to explore, now ideas to get , new view-points...
  6. L

    Any good documentation on Excel 2007 data tables?

    Aaaah, I see that I will have quite some reading to do... ;o]]] But that is deffinitely good. Only set back is that I will go through the same stuff a few times... but hey, they say that repetition is the mother of wisdom... ;o] thanks a lot for an interesting source...
  7. L

    Any good documentation on Excel 2007 data tables?

    Thanks bobhc for quick reaction. Unfortunately, I have dropbox blocked at work, so my curiosity will have to wait till I get home... ;o]]
  8. L

    Any good documentation on Excel 2007 data tables?

    Hi there, has anyone seen a good and informative documentation about the new data tables', that were introduced in 2007 version, behavior? At my work, we are just switching to office 2007 (duh, I know, a bit late but until now we had 2003) and I would like to implement the data tables as...
  9. L

    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    Hi there, My name is Martin and I am an Chandoo.org addict. I have stumpbled upon the blog some weeks ago looking for who knows what information about an excel problem. I have already forgotten because I have been overloaded with additional information I have not been looking for ;o] However...