Sorry, new question...
I've used the max formula referencing the 3 date columns in the 3 tables on different sheets of my workbook to find out the date of when the latest update was made.
Works great, now i want to somehow use this as a reference in a formula which will give me the...
Hi All,
After reading the optimization tips, I went about optimizing my excel spreadsheet. In particular I hid rows so that only what I had used was available. Unfortunately, that moved my last used cell to row 1048576 when I unhid the rows. The reason why I unhid them was that I noticed when...
I'm not a fan of the offset formula as its so volatile, ive used it a few times and Ive had to then go work around it. Its for a dynamic dashboard so it needs to be reliable for when other people use it.
What is the best formula to use to make a scrollable list of details?
The list is based on the top 5 products. I have a drop down where you can choose one of the top 5 and the idea is you are able to scroll through the basic details of that product.
I havefound the following formula...
Say if 100 was changed to 130 as the sales price in teh second table I would want to get for shoes the value 3 because all together there was a total of 6 sales but 3 returns.
Hi guys, I dont think I explained myself very well I have friday brain at the moment. Hope this clarifies :)
I'm trying to set up a formula that ultimately gives me the cost of return for a product plus sales total of a product including returns. I want the formula to ignore the line where the return $ amount is so that I can track what the total would of been against the actual total sold.
Hi Narayank991,
I think that is what I was trying to do. The only problem is when I select vegeatable and etc i get a warning sign from your spreadsheet saying that there are formulas with invalid references.
Could you exlein to me how u dit it please?
Hi guys thanks again for trying :) What I'm trying to do is have 4 charts in one. I want the chart to show the product type on the x axis like it is now vegetable;fruit;dessert. Then I was hoping to change this axis by a check box with the item for example if the checkbox is vegetable, the x...
Hi sreekhosh
Thanks so much for trying, what i'm trying to do is have check boxes on the left hand side for the colour and check boxes under the x axis so that the labels on the x axis change to the fruit items or vegetable items etc depending on what box is ticked. The only axis common to...
Hi Faseeh,
Sorry I created a quick example its not exactly what I described but the idea is the same. I want the labels on the x axis to change when a tick box is selected. Is this possible without macros or VBA?
Hi guys,
I have a dynamic chart where I can choose a company by a drop down box and it will show me the products under that company on the chart.
I have on the right hand side check boxes with 3 ranges of cost. So I can select for eg products that cost less than $50 under that company...
It probable has to do with the way that I've set it up.
In my table I have a column of products going down. Then I have one row saying whether it is fruit, vegetable or dessert and the next row underneath saying the colour and then after those 2 rows I have the values.
Does it have something...
Hi Guys,
I'm trying to figure out a way of doing a 3 way lookup formula without using offset. I was using an offset formula and it sometimes worked and then all of a sudden it didn't.
My next try is a index and match formula. As I have two rows to lookup I've joined them in my formula with...
Thanks Guys - it works!
It took a while for me to figure out that it doesnt like spaces between words which is why it wouldn't work at first.
Big thank u again for your efforts :)