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Search results

  1. M

    Macros for formating

    thanx it worked.
  2. M

    Macros for formating

    I have the data which is 1000s i need a macro for formating it, please find the attached file and please help me with the macro which would simplify my work.
  3. M

    consolidate month wise and salesman wise

    Hey Smallman Thanks for the solution, it is indeed working. Thanks
  4. M

    how to highlight a range using a function/formula

    I tried conditional formating but it is not highlighting the range it is just highlighting a cell.
  5. M

    how to highlight a range using a function/formula

    how to highlight a range using a function/formula.
  6. M

    consolidate month wise and salesman wise

    hii smallman thank you for the solution but it is not working. Can you please upload the worksheet.
  7. M

    consolidate month wise and salesman wise

    I want to consolidate the data monthwise and salesman wise, please find the link of the sample data file. Appreciate your help. https://hotfile.com/dl/240098780/1e0ea6c/test.xlsx.html
  8. M

    Combining different workbooks in a single workbook

    Hello I have many workbooks and i want to combine it into a single workbook and each workbook in the combined workbook should be in a separate sheet plsss help
  9. M

    sum with critera

    Thanks HUI, U R Indeed a Excel Ninja
  10. M

    sum with critera

    I have data in which there is one row with numbers i want to sum up with a criteria the data is some what like this 100 150 175 200 i want to sum like total upto 100 total from 101 to 150 etc etc
  11. M

    how add different workbooks of excel into one

    I have different workbook of excel and each workbook has one sheet of data, i want to add all the workbook in single workbook.
  12. M

    Consolidated report

    Thanks a lot you have been most helpful.
  13. M

    Consolidated report

    Hey Kaushik Thanks a ton, but I dont understand the functions but never mind will check the functions myself and will drag the column down to a huge no.
  14. M

    Pivot table - Grouping

    Hi Hui Please find below the link of workbook it has 2 pivot tables In the first one I am unable to group the dates. The pivot table i need a column which shows the percentage of grand total. https://dl.dropbox.com/u/96239378/pivot%20table.xlsx Regards Moiz
  15. M

    Consolidated report

    Ok Thank You Moiz
  16. M

    Consolidated report

    Can you upload the workbook if possible with your solution.
  17. M

    Consolidated report

    Well Kaushik any other option you have, I don't know VBA. Is it possible tht we make each column as tables and then apply sumproduct. Regards Moiz
  18. M

    Consolidated report

    Hi Kaushik Thank you for the file. The file doesnt serve the purpose because the report is updated for those 4 customers only but if we add a new customer that is not reflected in the report.
  19. M

    Consolidated report

    Hi Kaushik Thanak you for the reply. Please find the sample workbook, I have used sumproduct in the report the problem is that when i add data i would have to change the range each time however I do have the option of taking a larger range but if alternative is available I would like to go...
  20. M

    Consolidated report

    Hi All I have to sheets one contains the sales details i.e date,invoice no, customer name, amount, salesman. Sheet 2 contain the sales return information i.e date, SR.No, Customer Name, Amount. I want to create a consolidated report which gives the total of sales and sales return and nett...
  21. M

    Pivot table - Grouping

    I will check that, thank you.
  22. M

    Pivot table - Grouping

    Hello I have made a pivot table which party wise sales details on daily basis, I want to group it on monthly basis but I am unable to do.