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Search results

  1. S

    Scatter grams and legends

    Hello, I am seeking help with legends on a scatter chart. The purpose of my chart is to visually illustrate several internal projects, based on priority (X axis) and urgency (Y axis). I have no problem charting the different points, but experience difficulty when trying to distinguish the...
  2. S

    Question About Budget v Actual

    Thanks, I will ask new questions in a new post in future. Also – I have found tutorial that resolves this issue: http://peltiertech.com/Excel/Charts/ClusterColAndLine.html
  3. S

    Question About Budget v Actual

    Hello, I need some help with another chart that I am doing which displays actual vs. budget data. It’s a combination column/line chart. I currently have four data series’ (two columns and two lines) for four variables which are on the X axis – the columns represent actual data, and the lines...
  4. S

    Question About Budget v Actual

    Thank you very much! This worked perfectly.
  5. S

    Question About Budget v Actual

    Hello, I am a new Excel user and have been asked by my superiors to chart several actual versus budget revenue figures (i.e. several revenue streams/products on a month by month basis). I have seen the visual challenge that was posted on this site last year...