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Search results

  1. A

    Find Minimum Date

    SirJB7, I am working on a schedule in Excel, here "A" stands for Actual (completed work).So first 3 lines showng future date(forecast) & last 4 lines showing completed (Actual. Data is valid! Regards!
  2. A

    Find Minimum Date

    Hello, Excel Masters, Its an urgent...please help me
  3. A

    Find Minimum Date

    Hi, I have 7 cells with different dates (all in text), How can I find minimum /maximum? Ex: 4/3/2012 8:00 4/2/2012 17:00 4/4/2012 0:30 04-Apr-12 14:00 A 04-Apr-12 10:00 A 01-Apr-12 20:30 A 04-Apr-12 21:00 A Thanks in advance, Avi
  4. A

    if statement - Need Immediate HELP

    Thanks a lot, Chandoo... :)
  5. A

    if statement - Need Immediate HELP

    Please let me know, how can I put these all condition in a formula??? I tried "If" but isn't working. Many Thanks in Advance Condition 1 IF C = 0 IF B = 0 Then A X E Condition 2 IF C = 0 IF B > 0 Then (A - B) X E Condition 3 IF C > 0 IF B = 0 Then A X E Condition 4 IF...