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  1. J

    Format as number

    @oldchippy, If I use your formula, all of the values are converted into numbers, but looses the formatting. @SirJB7, Thats what I also feel. I cannot have a number, formatted to have specific number of decimals, comma etc, and at the same time to be right aligned, from a formula.
  2. J

    Format as number

    Can I make the cells right-aligned using a formula? Thanks, Juwin
  3. J

    Format as number

    Functions like TEXT, FIXED etc, formats a number to have specific formats, but converts that number into text. Hence they automatically become left aligned eventhough they are numbers. Is there a function to format numbers, and keep them as right aligned. I don't need information that I should...
  4. J

    Problem with array formula

    So, can you help me correct the formula?
  5. J

    Problem with array formula

    Correct. So, isn't it a bug within Excel?
  6. J

    Create formula for an entire column

    I was not highlighting something of interest. I am serious about getting a method of stating one formula, for an entire column.
  7. J

    Problem with array formula

    No it doesn't. The formula gives me the desired values, but doesn't work, if I change something on the sheet. Please see this sheet: http://www.sendspace.com/file/dmvlso See the array formula in the cell D20. The value in D20, is supposed to match with value in D18. Note: I want to...
  8. J

    Create formula for an entire column

    If everyone read all the instructions and acted as per that, this world would have been a much better place... :)
  9. J

    Problem with array formula

    File is attached at: http://www.sendspace.com/file/sjt000 See this: http://img707.imageshack.us/i/captureml.jpg/ It seems that the excel, is not doing Vlookup for each row. It is just doing the vlookup once. Is this a bug?
  10. J

    Create formula for an entire column

    The problem with VBA is the security popups. I can do VBA, but digitally signing the macro is the problem. Thats why I was looking for a solution without using VBA.
  11. J

    Problem with array formula

    No, I want the formula to pickup the value in column H, corresponding to value in column G. Hence the formula is vlookup(...,G:H,2,false), where G:H is my table, 2 is for the 2nd column.
  12. J

    Create formula for an entire column

    See, that goes back to my original question. I don't know the number of rows. So, I cant do that. If I knew the number of rows, I can very well paste formula to those rows, not wanting Excel to autocopy the formula. I want something which is more column based formula. Thanks, Juwin.
  13. J

    Problem with array formula

    Shouldn't value in column E12 be 5500? What am I doing wrong? http://img714.imageshack.us/img714/934/capturejzd.jpg
  14. J

    Create formula for an entire column

    Hi, I am using 2007 version. The problem with table method is, if the user populates non-adjacent rows (leaves a blank row in between), the formula is not copied further. Attachment: http://www.sendspace.com/file/b20c6a Here, after entering, evenif he realizes and tries to delete the blank...
  15. J

    Create formula for an entire column

    Hi OldChippy, Your solution works only when I know how many rows there are. I want to make a data entry sheet, where people can put in different values. I want to create a column in that sheet, which has a calculated value, based on 3 other columns which user enter. All the rows in the...
  16. J

    Create formula for an entire column

    Creating a formula for an entire column. Is there a way not to increase the file size? Please look at this attachment for the entire question. http://www.sendspace.com/file/0oz9u9