Hi Narayan and Deb,
No probs - I will upload files in future..much easier.
Narayan - I won't be switching between scenario 1 and 2. You're correct - I'm wanting to develop a 2 separate formulas to cater for the 2 different scenarios I've encountered. They will be used on separate projects...
Hi Narayan - apologies for belated response - was the weekend.
I've included 3 versions of what I'm trying to achieve in file at the link below.
1) Manual calcs
2) Narayan solution
3) Debraj solution
Black text = formula required for scenario 1 (including start date/excluding end date)...
Am thinking my post above may be a little confusing. Think it implies I'm after 1 solution for 2 different scenarios...but not the case, sorry.
I'm after 2 separate formulas to address the 2 different scenarios, sorry for the confusion.
Thanks a million for your help Narayank991 and Debraj Roy !
Love your solutions - I’ve had a play around with both but have the following queries..
Debraj Roy:
You’re correct, thanks – (24 * Feb) was a typo.
In actual fact I need a solution which caters to 2 scenarios:
1) includes start...
Hi there,
I need a little help on apportioning values taken from an invoice correctly across the months the invoice covers. Here’s a simple example:
Invoice Start Date = 05/02/2012
Invoice End Date = 20/04/2012
(ie total days = 74 (ie 24 x Feb, 31 x March, 19 x April)
SirJB7 - thank you so much for such a lovely, warm welcome. It's great to be on board!
3 x green sticky topics now read and Intro Post now posted - thanks :)
Thanks for your response - followed through on all the links as well and am now all good and up to speed..and also less afraid of...
Hello there to everyone.
I'm Michelle from Melbourne, Australia. I was first introduced to Chandoo many, many months ago by a work colleague at the time and have had it saved in my bookmarks ever since.
I've been dropping in quietly and unnoticed, on and off over the past year or so to hunt...
Dear all,
I am new to SUMPRODUCT and am still getting used to all it's power, so for the simple example below, I'd prefer to use SUMIFS if I can, instead of SUMPRODUCT, but it doesn't appear to work.
Can anyone help me out as to why SUMPRODUCT seems to work but SUMIFS doesn't in the example...