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Search results

  1. A

    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    Hello all. I joined this forum on July 25th, 2012 having recently discovered Chandoo.org So far seems like an AWESOME community of people, I won't guarantee that I'll be able to help out anyone (I'm a bit in awe of the Excel wizardry here), but I'll contribute where I can. My goals are to...
  2. A

    MS Project Work Contours in Excel

    Thanks Sajan. I'm sure it's at least a lack of caffeine this morning, but I can't quite figure out (I'm starting at the first example and working my way down) your flat contour example. Q: What are you expecting in Cell B2? if I assume that headings are in Row 1 with your example, fill that...
  3. A

    MS Project Work Contours in Excel

    I'm trying to replicate (simply so I have a bit more control via Excel) some functionality from MS Project in Excel. Background: MS Project allows you to change how work is scheduled for a task using work contours ie: if you have a task that will take 40 hours of effort and it's duration is...