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  1. J

    Correlation Question

    Hi Hui, Thanks Hui I will have to read up on that because I'm not sure how to do it? When I put all those columns into the scatter chart for whatever reason Mn never shows on the chart? Cheers John
  2. J

    Correlation Question

    Hi, I have recently returned from a field trip where some 280 soil samples were taken and then analysed. With the given analysis I would like to be able to see if there is any correlation between Manganese(Mn)and the other mineral elements which also showed up in the analysis. Given that...
  3. J


    Hi Hui, Ah yes that Sheet 4 now that you have reminded me did create a formula to remove highs and lows, so now I'm guessing as to whether this is the correct way or not? My Sheet 1 Row 103 &105 Std Deviation & Range were created by Excel using Data Analysis, so if there is something...
  4. J


    Hi Hui, Thanks for your help. Those links you posted are actually the ones I was following to create what I have, but I don't think they are complete in the fact that they are not showing the outliers. They just show Min, Max...
  5. J


    Hi, I have just completed 5 boxplots in Excel 2007 for an assignment I have been given with my subject of statistics. The boxplots have been made by following various instructions online, but I don't think they truly represent the information as they don't show outliers for instance. Would...