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  1. I


    Dear Mr Hui Thanks a ton...this has saved my time a lot... I'll be greatful, if you could explain me the * placed in sumproduct function.. Thanks in advance V S Venkatraman
  2. I


    Dear Mr Chandoo I have a problem. I have two columns viz., challan date and amount as under.... the data I have to analyse is for one or two years. I want to sum monthwise for the challans and sometimes i want to sum along with customer code. Can you please explain me use of SUMIF and...
  3. I


    Dear Mr Hui This is too much of a stuff for me. First let me try to understand the formula you've written. my data is like this...A2 is Billing Date B2 is Billing Quantity, C2 is Price per unit and D2 is Gross Value (b2*c2 = d2) Now I want to calculate tax payable on d2 BILLING_DATE...
  4. I


    I have to calculate rate of duty from 1.4.2005 to 29.02.2008 @ 16% From 1.3.2008 to 6.12.2008 the same is to be @ 14% and from 7.12.2008 to 23.02.2008 it has to calculated @ 10% and from 24.02.2008 onwards it should be @ 8% I have Invoice Date in A2 and I have Gross Value in d2 and I want the...
  5. I

    Fill - Justify

    Dear Mr Hui I want the data in A3:A5 in B3 (all the 3 rows data in single row) the data in B3 should appear like this cash book BANK & CASH CONTRA being cash deposited in hdfc as the data is huge I need some quick tips for converting the same into single row.. the data are not in...
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    Fill - Justify

    Dear Chandoo You have explained us to use Fill - Justify for bringing the data in a single row. Now I have a data wherein A3 to A6, A7 and A10, A12 to A16 and so on till A35454. Is there any way I can get all these data i.e. A3 to A6 in B3 and so on... The option Fill - Justify can be...
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    Gap Detection

    Boss Chandoo.... it goes with my requirement thanks V S Venkatraman +91 9825023502 iyervsv@gmail.com
  8. I

    Gap Detection

    GAP DETECTION - I want my result in the following way: 110102870 110102871 0 110102872 110102873 2 110102874 110102876 0 110102876 110200000 97124 110200001 However, the second suggestion gives me the result.... i'll try this and shall get back to you...
  9. I

    Gap Detection

    Sir, How to find the gap in a continuous serial no using Excel For Example Invoice No 110102870 110102871 110102874 110102875 110102876 110200001 In the above data 110102873 is missing and the serial number 110200001 is totally new and hence from 110102876 to 110200000 should be...