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Search results

  1. T

    Data validation across sheets

    Magic.... It really works the way I wanted. Thanks so much @SomendraMisra topbink
  2. T

    Data validation across sheets

    Hi Everybody, I tried to make data validation (dv) to prevent duplicated values in two sheets. Here is what I need to do: When I put a value in "Sheet1 Column Trx_No" the dv will prevent duplication if its already in Sheet1 or Sheet2 Column Trx_No and also if I tried to put a value in "Sheet2...
  3. T

    Lookup by month

    Hi Everybody, @Majay, Narayank, theExcelphile, and Hui just realized how easy INDEX-MATCH is... I take Majay notes using named ranges in the table and formula and yes, I use separate sheet for price table thats makes it easier. Thank you very kindly everybody, I know I can count on this...
  4. T

    Lookup by month

    Thanks for the response Hui, My apologies for not saying it correctly, but I don't quite understand how to adjust the sumproduct formula you gave. What I meant with the case was the price data in TrxTable taken from PriceTable. So when a transaction of product A recorded on 12 Jan '12 for...
  5. T

    Lookup by month

    I have a list of transactions named TrxTable as follows TrxTable Date B/S Desc Qty Price Total 05 Jan '12 Buy A 100 100 10000 12 Jan '12 Buy A 50 100 5000 02 Feb '12 Buy B 50 105 5250 16 Feb '12 Buy A...
  6. T

    Data validation to restrict cell value from a certain value.

    Solved ... Solved .... Solved ... @narayank911: You're a life saver. It works perfectly. Thank you so much.
  7. T

    Data validation to restrict cell value from a certain value.

    Here is what I'm trying to do. I have a list of banned items, and if I type this item name into a cell it will pops a warning that the item is invalid. So still I can type any value in that cell but those in the banned list. Is it possible doing that by using data validation? And if there is...
  8. T

    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    Glad I found this forum. This site helps a lot in my work. God bless chandoo.org... :p