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  1. Y

    IF Formula help please

    Deb--you are right, Luke already gave me the formula==I just need to put my thinking hat on. :) Thank you. Regards!
  2. Y

    IF Formula help please

    Thank you Luke,,,,,,I played with it and now the formula is working. Thank you very much. I truly appreciate your time and sharing your expertise. Just so you know, this formula also worked...
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    IF Formula help please

    HLookup, I did not even thought about it. Thank you. Here's the thing, when I changed the numbers below the Tiers, I get #N/A. I wonder why. Because the tier will change according to entity, just like the number for the years of service. Otherwise, yes this will work. Thank you.
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    IF Formula help please

    Thank you. Here it is...
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    IF Formula help please

    Hello everyone. Here's hoping I can get some help to write an IF formula. I've been trying without success. Here are my data: Table 1 - Employee Status EX NEX PT OC Table 2 - Accrual Rate Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 Tier 6 <10 <15...
  6. Y

    What if Analysis

    I am sorry I was not able to articulate my dilemma. why is my post above ugly?
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    What if Analysis

    Thank you Hui- After the meeting last night, I am looking to create a dynamic template that our non-financial managers can just input the given to generate the answer of the UNKNOWN (Loan Amount). Profit requirement will vary according to product. Refund %...
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    What if Analysis

    SirJB7, Thank you. I have been a member here for over 5 years now I think. It's just that I forgot my username and password. I have even taken some Excel classes from Chandoo. Regarding this request for help, yes I used equation in 1 unknown. My mistake, I forgot to add that 50% of the...
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    What if Analysis

    Thank you Narayan. So if the the Loan amount let's say $800,000 the Interest amount is $8,000 a month for the next 21 months or a Total of $168,000.
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    What if Analysis

    Hello, I've tried without success using What If Analysis in Excel. Wondering if someone in this blog can suggest which Excel feature to use....please help me. Here's an example: Loan Amount: ??? Interest: 1% Period: 21 months Profit: 640,000 The 1% interest will be considered as part of...
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    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    I am not really a new member but it has been a while since I last visited this blog.
  12. Y

    Excel Formula Help

    @ Monterey- thank you for your feedback. Now I am really confused. When you divide 5% by 12 =.41666%. to proof the total %.41666 X 12 = 5%. (at least in my calculator) But the thing is if you have an existing data of 1,000 per month for 12 months that's = 12,000. If the annual forecast...
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    Excel Formula Help

    SirJB7 :) ---you are a magician! The a) formula worked! Thank you ever so much! becky
  14. Y


    I've been reading and subscribing to this site and today is the first day I actually requested for help! :) I am an Accounting Analyst for a company in Seattle, WA. This site has helped me tremendously with Excel formulas and charting. I've recommended this site to colleagues! Thank you so...
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    Excel Formula Help

    Thank you SirJB7, and yes I've read the three first green sticky topics. I've been a member and a subscriber of chandoo for over a year now. My mistake-I was not clear on my first post. I apologize. The number 12 I am referring to is Month 12. Meaning from Month1 to Month 12, the 5% will...
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    Excel Formula Help

    Hello, I am building an Forecast Template. Please...I need help to create a formula for my premises. For example: if the COO wants to increase Gas sales by 5% over 12 months, all I have to do is put in 5% in my control sheet and it will automatically add the amount equivalent to 1/12 of the 5%...