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Search results

  1. Excelnoub

    Function FindStringinListControl and Filter Search by first letter entry

    Luke M, Just to let you know that I found something similar to what I needed. I will try to modify this to a Combobox :)
  2. Excelnoub

    Function FindStringinListControl and Filter Search by first letter entry

    Thank you Luke... I was just wondering... The method in my WB (in this thread) works I am just not that far in to VBA coding to implement these kind of codes lol
  3. Excelnoub

    Function FindStringinListControl and Filter Search by first letter entry

    Yeah this could get tricky... Your method works but just wondering if this could be implemented within my Module Function... Problem would be this: I will have a list of 100 and more entries and each day/week/month more entries will be added, therefore this is why I cannot go with a name...
  4. Excelnoub

    Function FindStringinListControl and Filter Search by first letter entry

    Good day, I am looking to add some code to the following function provided, somewhere online don't quite remember, but the main idea is there. The following function will make my comboboxes to search for the Letter that I will manually insert in my combobox. I need to have the following...
  5. Excelnoub

    Msgbox if Cells(ActiveCell.row, "K") falls on Weekend?

    This will work :D Thank you so much Luke M If Not Intersect(Target, Range("I5:I20")) Is Nothing Then Application.EnableEvents = False For Each rcell In Intersect(Target, Range("I5:I20")).Cells If Len(rcell.Value) > 0 Then Cells(ActiveCell.row...
  6. Excelnoub

    Msgbox if Cells(ActiveCell.row, "K") falls on Weekend?

    I have the code to restric the dates if they fall on a weekend in a Userform but what about on an activecell? I have the following code in my Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) If Not Intersect(Target, Range("I5:I20")) Is Nothing Then Application.EnableEvents = False...
  7. Excelnoub

    Sorting data based on column value

    Untested: Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Application.ScreenUpdating = False If Not Intersect(Target, Range("B2:B1000")) Is Nothing Then With ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1") .Range("A2:B1000").Sort Key1:=.Range("B2") End With End If...
  8. Excelnoub

    Sorting data based on column value

    So you need only Column B to sort?
  9. Excelnoub

    ElseIf Weekday Exit Sub vba

    Found this: I have added this to a module: Public Function IsWeekend(InputDate As Date) As Boolean Select Case Weekday(InputDate) Case vbSaturday, vbSunday IsWeekend = True Case Else IsWeekend = False End Select End Function And now my...
  10. Excelnoub

    ElseIf Weekday Exit Sub vba

    Good day, I’ve been on this for a couple of days. I can figure out how I would take this code and rule out the weekend date. I have a userform that checks for ElseIf IsEmpty, then I would like to add the following but don’t know how I would puzzle them together: ElseIf Cells(ActiveCell.row...
  11. Excelnoub

    Match Copy.find Paste from Wb1 to another using a close Wb2

    I was looking at the code from Luke M in another thread and looking to addapt it to my needs... Sub CopyDta() Dim wb1 As Workbook, wb2 As Workbook Dim ws As Worksheet Dim filePath As String Dim searchValue As Variant Dim myRange As Range Dim fCell As Range filePath = "C:\My documents\My...
  12. Excelnoub

    Match Copy.find Paste from Wb1 to another using a close Wb2

    Good day, I am working on enhancing my code. I need to incorporate the following. I have information in my Wb1 in Sheet1 with Column A:Z. I have data each day to replace in my Wb1. At the end of the month I need to send this info to a workbook (wb2) in the same worksheet (Sheet1) by clicking...
  13. Excelnoub

    Single Listbox selection to populate Range of cells from another sheet

    I need that when a selection is made from the listbox to add the information in my cell but to also lookup the the information from that same row to add it to the next cell and also the other... Example if 001 is selected then E4 = Test 001 F4 = Info 001 G4 = Sel 001
  14. Excelnoub

    Single Listbox selection to populate Range of cells from another sheet

    Will be posting an example workbook for a better explanation.
  15. Excelnoub

    Single Listbox selection to populate Range of cells from another sheet

    Good day, I have a listbox on my sheet that grabs the information from another sheet. I need, when I click a selection, to populate the information based on the range value from this other sheet and not the single selection. I mean I could do it by doing my Listbox a multiple view but that...
  16. Excelnoub

    Looking to restrict EntireRow.Insert

    Debraj, the code mentioned deletes the information in my Column F.
  17. Excelnoub

    Looking to restrict EntireRow.Insert

    Final code thanks to you Luke M :) Dim myRow As Long myRow = ActiveCell.Row Range(Cells(myRow, "A"), Cells(myRow, "D")).Offset(1).Insert shift:=xlShiftDown ActiveCell.Offset(1).Value = Me.ListBox2 Unload Me Works like a charm, Thanks again :)
  18. Excelnoub

    Looking to restrict EntireRow.Insert

    I have an example worksheet: If you click A3:A1000 it will add the title to the next available row If you click Column A beside the title in Column A, it will offset and add that title to the inserted row, so on and so on until column D... Making this view kind of a list of Table of Content...
  19. Excelnoub

    Looking to restrict EntireRow.Insert

    Good day, How would I change the EntireRow.Insert to only insert a new row from Column A to Column D. Explanation: I have to have restriction to a range (Column A to column D) as I will have more code in my Column F and up. I have code running exactly what I need but I need to change the...
  20. Excelnoub

    Excel 2013 DatePicker to Control Multiple Textboxes in multiple Userforms

    NARAYANK991 I have been waiting for this for like one year lol you have just made my month...year. I haven't got an answer on this since the beginning and voila. I cannot thank you enough for this. Hui: Thank you for adding this to the blog. Hopefully this will help others out there to see...
  21. Excelnoub

    Excel 2013 DatePicker to Control Multiple Textboxes in multiple Userforms

    I don't have Calendar Control anymore as I switched to Excel 2013. But I will play around with your code to see if I can't implement it in my Userform.
  22. Excelnoub

    Excel 2013 DatePicker to Control Multiple Textboxes in multiple Userforms

    Here would be an example: If you click on the Command_Button in Sheet1 you will see the Userform... I need to indivually control all Textbox for date entry using one MonthView, sorry was using datepicker, with one monthview userform. If you double click A1 through A1000 on the sheet itself you...
  23. Excelnoub

    Excel 2013 DatePicker to Control Multiple Textboxes in multiple Userforms

    Nothing Right now that would control any Textboxes from Any Userforms... I would love to have it like a Clear All: Option Explicit Public Function ClearAll(frm As MSForms.UserForm) As Boolean ' clear out all controls Dim Octrl As Control ' if any error occurs, just exit On...
  24. Excelnoub

    Excel 2013 DatePicker to Control Multiple Textboxes in multiple Userforms

    Good day, I have been looking everywhere for the following code or if there is any. I have multiple Userforms...all that will all have multiple textboxes. In each Userform there will be around 3 Textboxes that will need control vs. a DatePicker. Another Userform that will need...
  25. Excelnoub

    Changing information based on cell change (VBA complex)

    Problem now, is that it is interfering with another code in the worksheet.