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  1. R

    adding time

    Thanks Hui for showing me the right path.
  2. R

    adding time

    Hi Hui, thanks it resolves my one problem but dear show me a way to calculate the sum of such huge time.
  3. R

    adding time

    Hui, suppose in your company you have 5500 people and due to some issue your employee are affected for 4:00:00 hrs then finally 22000:00:00 hrs is downtime for your employee. accordingly you have 10 to 50 such incident then how will you calculate this time. i have the same issue...
  4. R

    adding time

    Hi Hui, Actually i am preparing a monthly report in which i have to show monthly downtime that's why it is so much ,these are the time which i have to calculate. again i am showing to you this,this time is in hh:mm:ss format 1400:42:00 6786:55:00 1925:54:00 14452:41:00 24566:12:00...
  5. R

    adding time

    Hi Pointy, i have learnt a lot from your site and has made me excited to learn a lot which is really deeping me in complex problem, i have to sum below row's time but out of all means i am not able to calculate the sum 1400:42:00 6786:55:00 1925:54:00 14452:41:00 and same to not able to...