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Search results

  1. K

    Calculate average of values in corresponding cells in a second tab

    SirJB7, Just wanted to check in to thank you for your help. Your formula works beautifully and is quite elegant. I broke it down step by step and learned a lot in doing so. Thank you again. :)
  2. K

    Calculate average of values in corresponding cells in a second tab

    Thank you, SirJB7. I have downloaded your file and will review it. It might take me a while, but I wanted to let you know that I am working on it. :)
  3. K

    Calculate average of values in corresponding cells in a second tab

    Hi, everyone. Thank you all for your fast responses! I will try to address them in this post. SirJB7, I searched through the forums and found some ideas that I am still working with (particularly the Match and Index functions), but (obviously) am not very good at articulating my issue, so my...
  4. K

    Calculate average of values in corresponding cells in a second tab

    Hi, all. This is a complicated situation that I've never created before, so I'm hoping I can get some advice here. It would certainly be appreciated! On Tab A, I have a list of projects running vertically in Column C and a list of dates running horizontally across Row 5. The data in the...
  5. K

    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    Hi, everyone. Found this site when looking for some dynamic graph ideas. What a great site! Looking forward to learning more and hopefully helping others.