I am a Financial Manager (Comptroller) in the US. I've been working with Excel for about 6 years now; yet, I still consider mysealf an ameteur due to the exstensiver capabilities of the program. However, I can navigate pretty well through most of it's basic operatoins. I use Excel very...
Thank you for the pointers. I attempted to locate a posting similar to my needs; but, was unssuccessful. I'll be sure to read the recommended postings you've identified.
About your recommended solution:
First, I need to declare that my knowledge on VBA code is very limited. I...
What is a good VBA code to use for the following:
I have a worksheet (OCT), when user clicks on a cell within a certian range (R8:R57), it will generate a pop-up window containing data found in the following cells (A60:A84) and (I60:I84).