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  1. S

    separating a text column into three

    Narayan: All I can say is WOW. Thank you for the time and your willingness to share this. I was thinking that there was a simple"command" I could use but you went way beyond what I had ever hoped. Your work is incredible. Thanks again. Scott
  2. S

    separating a text column into three

    Narayan That looks like what I am trying to do!! I have a ton of Excel lines that I need to convert and that looks great if I can put each line in a different cell. I certaily appreciate your help on this!! Thanks again. Scott
  3. S

    separating a text column into three

    If, for example, Cell A1 had the following long description: 19in DOUBLE-SIDED NON-VENTED DIVIDED SHELF 2 RMS 25in DEPTH. BLACK My goal would be to have it broken down like so (with a max of 30 characters per cell and without the words being split): Cell B1: 19in DOUBLE-SIDED NON-VENTED...
  4. S

    separating a text column into three

    Kuldeep: Thanks for the response. I would like the output to be in Excel as well. In regards to a few more examples, here are some additional ones: 19in DOUBLE-SIDED NON-VENTED DIVIDED SHELF 2 RMS 25in DEPTH. BLACK 7ft CABINET 45 RMS 19in RACK MOUNT EQUIPMENT 27.5in WIDTH 36in DEPTH...
  5. S

    separating a text column into three

    Thanks for your help, regardless. Here is an example of a line that I would like to separate into 3 cells: LC/SC 8 METER 9um DUPLEX PATCH CORD YELLOW SINGLE MODE PLENUM LBL/LBL Thanks again! Scott
  6. S

    separating a text column into three

    Hi bobhc: Thanks, that helps with how to handle cells that are too long but I think that it still leaves me with the issue of splitting up words. I am hoping to keep words complete when splitting up the cell. Thoughts??
  7. S

    separating a text column into three

    Hi all: I am trying to take large excel text cells and split them into no more than 3 cells. I have a limit of 30 characters per "new" cell and I really need the "breaks" to occur at word breaks. I am actually trying to replace the decriptions of products that our company sells with...
  8. S

    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    Hi all. I am new to Chandoo but as I have looked through the posts and answers, I am very impressed with the solutions that have been put forth for those of us struggling. Thanks for your willingness to help!! Scott