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  1. W

    Saving the value of a cell into another by selecting the cell

    Hi, I want to save the value in a cell, into another cell by just clicking on/selecting it. So basically if i slelect C5, the value in C5 gets stored in F5 or something like that. Also after something is stored in C5, if i now click on another cell (say C6) it gets stored in F6. And i repeat...
  2. W

    Sumifs in excel 2003 without using sumproduct

    Oops. Another issue. Seems like it works fine with one instance of a head, but with two of the same kind it doesn't seem to replicate Sumifs. Please have a look. Have attached the sample file. http://speedy.sh/bcmqH/Copy-of-Sample-File.xlsx
  3. W

    Sumifs in excel 2003 without using sumproduct

    It worked!! Perfect! Thanks Hui.
  4. W

    Sumifs in excel 2003 without using sumproduct

    Hui? A little help please.
  5. W

    Sumifs in excel 2003 without using sumproduct

    Or here is another sample file. I think this will make things clear. http://speedy.sh/VYxP4/Sample-File.xlsx
  6. W

    Sumifs in excel 2003 without using sumproduct

    Hui, Sorry. I think i wasnt amply clear with the sample file i have used. I'll try and explain. So i have a head "a number(say Project 1,2,3,4)" and a subhead "a character (Say Item a,b,c,d,e of the P&L account). I am trying to list all the subheads under each individual head together. So say...
  7. W

    Sumifs in excel 2003 without using sumproduct

    Something like this http://speedy.sh/rhNbu/Sample-File.xlsx with lots and lots of sumifs across the whole file
  8. W

    Sumifs in excel 2003 without using sumproduct

    Thanks Hui. But that doesnt solve my problem. Infact this renders the computations slower. Any other ideas? A User defined function to replace sumifs?
  9. W

    Sumifs in excel 2003 without using sumproduct

    Wow. That was quick. Many thanks. The formula goes something like this : =SUMPRODUCT(($E$1:$E$2011= $B$2013)* ($D$1:$D$2011=$D2014),J$1:J$2011) Column B, E and D all refer to string values. The file has a huge no. of sumifs so i was wondering if i can make a UDF with a syntax similar to...
  10. W

    Sumifs in excel 2003 without using sumproduct

    I want to use an alternative for sumifs and have tried using sumproduct, but because of an extremely large data set excel goes really slow. Was wondering if thr is a vba code i can use to replicate sumifs? Or any other suggestions?