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  1. H

    Count Formula

    Thanks for oldchippy and ninja :-) Harsha.
  2. H

    Count Formula

    Hi Sir, here i need how many (counts) Emp under finance, HR, Emps respectively comes under rating 2 or 3 or 4 respectively.... Please......
  3. H

    Count Formula

    Hi Sir, Am working on Rating Report for the Employees. Following is the Table Details:- Emp ID# /Emp Name /Dept /Supervisor /DOjoining /Exp /Ratings 1 A FINANCE P X 2 2.25 2 B HR Q X...
  4. H

    Auto highlights

    Hi Chandoo, Am very Happy coz of learning a lots, lots of Tips and Trick in Excel sheet from you. and am happy and will be happy to see your a updtaed (NEW) tricks and tips mails from you...... and now my Issue is ? i was calculating some Revenue Reports. i have give Range of Prices...