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  1. J

    lookup with multiple corresponding value

    Hui, thanks a lot. More power to all the Ninjas and Masters of Chandoo.org
  2. J

    lookup with multiple corresponding value

    Hi Hui, i mean vlook up. i tried SUMIF already but it is good for the total of the amount only. i need the Documents Numbers also, i tried vlookup(s) with "&" but the results are the same. Thank you for your help and time.
  3. J

    lookup with multiple corresponding value

    Hi, My lookup value was shown more than once in source data, is there a way i could pick up all those values and reflect in my lookup? i.e. A - reference B - Document Number (split into 2 or more, same reference) 3 - Amount (split into 2 or more, same reference) I want to pick up all...