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  1. B

    Need help getting SELECT CASE subroutine to test every row

    Hui, Thanks for your input, makes sense. I will use formulas in the sheet, much easier to maintain. Glad I had an opportunity to learn about the CASE structure though & most grateful for you showing me how to include it inside a loop.
  2. B

    Need help getting SELECT CASE subroutine to test every row

    Hui, Thanks so much for your help with this. I appreciate that you not only help a novice solve a problem, but also suggest what might be a better way. I'll do it both ways for the experience, but let me ask you: what might be the pros & cons to each method?
  3. B

    Need help getting SELECT CASE subroutine to test every row

    I have the following subroutine, which works to test cell C1 for a value & write a more descriptive value in D1. But I haven't been able to figure out how to loop it so that it will test column C in every row of the worksheet. Any help with this is much appreciated. Sub...
  4. B

    How can I include character for inches in VBA/macro?

    Hui, Sorry, I misunderstood what the output would look like. This does exactly what I was after, so thanks again. Being a VBA newbie, I have another question, but I'll post it under new topic.
  5. B

    How can I include character for inches in VBA/macro?

    Hui, I really would have preferred to use the ' character, but your response will work & I appreciate it. Thanks a lot.
  6. B

    How can I include character for inches in VBA/macro?

    In this subroutine I would like to have the result appear as HP 19" CRT Monitor, but I cannot figure out how to make it work. It's easy to make it work if it's a 19-foot monitor, as this code does. How do I get VBA to display inches, instead? Sub LongItemNameForAssets() Select Case...
  7. B

    Need macro to reformat cell, but leave value alone

    Hui, Old Chippy, Thanks very much for this. I'm not familiar at all with manipulating dates in Excel beyond just changing the format thru the menu. Have never used any date formulas, so I had not considered the approach that Hui offered. I was thinking I could create a mask of some kind in...
  8. B

    Need macro to reformat cell, but leave value alone

    I'm trying to reformat a cell with value 20100329163030, which is a date. I select the cell & record the following as a macro: F2, Home, right 4, /, right 2, /, move right 2, space, right 2, :, right 2, :, Enter. So I end up with a field looking like: 2010/03/29 16:30:30. That's exactly...