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  1. S

    adding calculation time to a form?

    Thanks for taking the time to help me out with this, oldchippy. I will try the link you provided.
  2. S

    adding calculation time to a form?

    Thanks oldchippy - I have used that in the past, but I am not looking to tell the progress of any event other than the calculation taking place, and I am not sure how I can incorporate that into j-walk's code. When the spreadsheet calculates with the application visible, it will display...
  3. S

    adding calculation time to a form?

    This is my first post to this forum... I have a program that hides the excel application from the user as they provide certain inputs, and to keep them from changing anything in the workbook. when the program calcualtes the underlying workbook, it takes several minutes. Is there some VBA code...