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  1. K

    Help Please - Need Code, macro

    Hi SirJB7, Sorry to reply late. The problem was caused by another macro, which I sorted out. Your code runs fine. Thanks a lot for the help. Thanks to NARAYANK991 too for the effort. Best Regards to you both!!!
  2. K

    Help Please - Need Code, macro

    Hi SirJB7, Thanks a lot for the code. I tried reloading the excel file several times and finally runs fine with the code. I tried to change the URL to maps.google.com in VBA. It displays the entire page data after the red balloon symbol "A". Then I continued with "Macro Code to split text on...
  3. K

    Help Please - Need Code, macro

    Hi SirJB7, Thank you. I will try the code and let you know. Thanks Koki
  4. K

    Help Please - Need Code, macro

    Hi Narayan, Thanks again. Please take your time and do the needful.
  5. K

    Help Please - Need Code, macro

    Hi Narayan, Thanks for your reply. I need the code asap. Can you help me on this..........? Thanks. koki
  6. K

    Help Please - Need Code, macro

    I have more than 5000 keywords in excel spreadsheet to be researched in maps.google.com, maps.google.com.sa, etc. I am using Excel 2007. In "Sheet1" the following need to be done: 1. Copy the text from a cell (say A2:) “Tirane, Albania” 2. Open maps.google.com in google chrome browser 3...
  7. K

    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    Hi, I am new here. This site is amazing. I have learnt a lot of stuff and wanted to know more. You guys are doing a great job.... Thanks for such a wonderful and informative site... :-) Thanks Koki