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  1. M

    Scheduling Tile chart from work sheet's info

    SirJB7, Your work is greatly appreciated and let me make note that I really enjoyed your comments. It really added some personality to the overall experience on this site and your comprehension to problem solve was truly excellent. Regards-
  2. M

    Scheduling Tile chart from work sheet's info

    Can anyone help me with this?
  3. M

    Scheduling Tile chart from work sheet's info

    OK, thanks SirJB7. Your help is greatly appreciated!!
  4. M

    Scheduling Tile chart from work sheet's info

    =IF(COUNTIFS(GSR!C2:C6,">="&DATEVALUE("9-jun-12"),GSR!C2:C6,"<="&DATEVALUE("16-jun-12")),GSR!A2,"") OK, now I have the formula working to return a value if my date requirements are met, but I need the formula to find all the dates within a column between the time frame and return its'...
  5. M

    Scheduling Tile chart from work sheet's info

    Thanks SirJB7!!! I'm very pleased this site exists!!! OK, so I introduced myself and read the netiquette, and posting files. Bare with me as I learn. A) Please see new up loadable example. The GSR sheet is an example of the 3 columns that need to be captured on the tile chart (FWD). B) For...
  6. M

    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    Hello everyone!!!! I'm a construction coordinator that has to coordinate construction activities as well as report to several different buisness units in my company. I use excel to integrate my scheduling and reporting! i found this site looking for help with my dash boards. I have most recently...
  7. M

    Scheduling Tile chart from work sheet's info

    https://hotfile.com/dl/161290741/897103d/2012-06-01-Pads_106_and_116_skyline-_for_review-1.xlsx.html Here is the tile chart
  8. M

    Scheduling Tile chart from work sheet's info

    Hello All!!! I’m using a work sheet to track the progression of a system from the beginning of engineering to the final transfer of custody and care of the constructed system. The reason being is there are several business units that need to know when it is there turn to work on their portion of...