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Search results

  1. M

    If ...and .... then ... count .... or is it sum?

    Hey everyone - thanks for the comments. I have said a 'Hello' in the introduction place and had a read through some of the sticky notes. I did have a search before posting but didn't find *quite* what I was looking for. I'll try sumproduct, but will probably upload a small spreadsheet extract...
  2. M

    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    I'm Lou, from the UK. I have just started a new job for a housing association. I don't know much about excel other than what I have taught myself and I'm pretty much self taught. There isn't budget for formal training! A few work contacts said this was a useful source of information ...
  3. M

    If ...and .... then ... count .... or is it sum?

    I'm sure this has been asked before, but I'm going round in circles here! I'm a bit new to ye olde excel (!), so advice of the wiser and more experienced, would be very grateful. So, I have a small marketing data gathering spreadsheet. I want to know where the leads come from and from the...