Hui.....Thanks a ton for the formula. You dont know how much you have helped me !!! Very grateful to you. You are fabulous.
I have made the dynamic range dependent on a countif line count and its working fine.
Once again thanks so much.
Hui I have an idea !
I want the area of dyanmic range to be dependent on a particular cell value
Expand Down Based on Another Cell Value
Put the number 10 in cell B1 first then:
In the Refers to box type: =OFFSET($A$1,0,0,$B$1,1)
Now change the number in cell B1 and the range will change...
I mean I have used this formula in various other columns ...I have created many dynamic ranges. Its only these two columns that it is taking 1000 rows.
In other columns the formula is taking data till row 340 .
Its working everywhere except two columns...I dont know why !!
I am using Insert-Name-Define
This is my range K in column A of a sheet called 1st Part of JE
=OFFSET('Ist Part of JE'!$A$2,0,0,COUNTA('Ist Part of JE'!$A$2:$A$1000),1)
This is my range L in column A of a sheet called 2nd...
Thanks a ton for the help. The formula works perfectly fine except a minor glitch.
These are my named ranges. I have taken 1000 rows.
Out of these 1000 rows there is data only in 640 rows( I am...
I have a dynamic range in sheet 1 and another dynamic range in sheet 2. In sheet 3 I want to combine them.
Now how I want to combine them in sheet 3 ?
I want the dynamic range from sheet one first and then immediately from the next row I want the dynamic range from sheet two to begin. How...