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Search results

  1. V

    Embed form controls in chart

    I made a simple dynamic graph, essentially presenting time (x-axis) against total value of shares (y-axis), where the price of a share can dynamically be set using a form control scroll bar. It all works great . The scroll bar I placed in the area of the chart, and (even) grouped the bar to the...
  2. V

    Charting with formulas in series

    Dear NARAYANK991, That seems to be a good solution. Thanks!
  3. V

    Charting with formulas in series

    I want to chart the top 10 values of something in a column that contains a formula and which are unsorted. Moreover, some rows have been hidden in the spreadsheet, so manually sorting would make a mess. Would it technically be possible to enter formulas where in the series values have to be...
  4. V

    Filter unique records, based on value in another column

    Hello Montrey, Your suggestion indeed seems very simple, thanks. Question. Can I incorporate all other columns as well somewhere in the pivot table, so that after the move, unique records are made containing all other information as well?
  5. V

    Filter unique records, based on value in another column

    In a table I have a column with ID numbers (values)and a similar column having names (text) linked to these ID numbers. There are many records that have the same ID. In another column there are values (ages of siblings). In case of multiple IDs, I need only the records of IDs that have the...