That's originally how I started to work the problem but to be honest that's where I got stuck. I couldn't figure out a sophisticated formula that would give me the top 5 and take into consideration all the other names already selected. Every place holder for each task would need such a formula...
I would be fine if the first task the person appears in is the one that gets priority but the difficulty is that there are 187 of these tasks with varying lengths of users (some have hundreds some only a few) so Susan may appear again for another task that only has two people in which case she...
I'm hoping someone has had this problem before and can help me with a strategy or formula but I have a list of processes and the names of people who have completed those processes and a composite score assigned to each individual. Each person is capable of completing multiple processes and...
Not sure how to post an example but this is the formula I'm using. Like I said it works 90% of the time but there are certain cells that even though they have identical "Priorities" come up as TRUE for conditional formatting but FALSE as a formula in a cell...
Has anyone ever encountered this situation...
I'm using Countifs formula with named ranges to compare two lists (on separate tabs) to highlight when cells do not match. Generally speaking it works correctly but there are certain instances where the lists match perfectly but the cell is still...
Think I got it...just changing the columnar references for each item in list seems to do the trick. Thank you Luke and Fred!
Thanks Fred. That would work but I want the results to show up on another page and I don't want people to have to select anything. My thought is to have a list of the column headers and then using a formula like Luke provided to determine the corresponding row header where the criteria is met.
That's close. That gives me the resulting intersecting value and quite possibly that's how I worded my question but ultimately, what I want is the column and row headers where the intersection takes place. So what price combinations give the results I want? i.e. the price combo of 15 and 10...
Basically we provide a service and we get paid when we initiate the service and when we complete the service. Below is a rudimentary table of what I mean. Along the top you'll see pricing for initiating the service and along the side is pricing for completing the service. I just multiplied the...
I've got a data table setup based on transaction pricing. Column headers are fees for incoming transactions and row headers are fees for outgoing transactions. The data table is dynamic based on different volume scenarios in the other part of our model. What I want to do is find some way to...
I want a simple macro to copy all data below column headers in a pivot table and paste to another sheet. I've tried multiple methods for selecting the data to copy and it always gives me the same error. "run-time error 438, Object doesn't support this property or method." Below is the code. Any...
I'm really new to VBA and I think I have a pretty basic need but can't quite figure it out.
If a row in column 1 has a particular letter (each entry will only be 1 letter) then I want the same row for column 2 to have a certain level on indention based on the letter. I found some code on the...
I'm getting an error stating "A formula in this worksheet contains one or more invalid references" but I can't find any formulas or invalid references. I checked "show formulas" and even looked for invalid named ranges but can't find anything. Has anyone ever encountered this and if so how did...
I'm stumped!! I've tried Sumif, Sumproduct, Offset, Index and I can't seem to figure out to do this. I have a datasheet with multiple columns each with a date heading. I want to add up the data for a particular column based on a reference cell while filtering the sum based on the product type...
I have a problem that is driving me crazy because I know there must be something simple I'm missing but I'm working on a data sheet for capacity planning that has 29 columns with the intention that it feeds into a pivot table. Here's a breakdown of the setup:
Columns A-D contain basic...
Thanks Hui. Because I have the column widths so narrow I had to merge every 2 cells in the top row so the month name was visible but your formula did the trick with the addition of "OR" formula. Thanks a bunch.
Hoping someone has an easy solution but I've basically created a project gantt chart with each column representing one day. Above each month's dates I have a merged cell that displays the name of the month. For ease of reporting I've created a second tab that shows only 4 months worth of data...
I have a column of date/timestamps with each row representing a new entry. I need to determine the difference between row 3 and row 2, row 4 and row 3, row 5 and row 4, etc.
Row 2 2/10/10 9:33
Row 3 2/10/10 10:06
Row 4 2/16/10 18:37
Row 5 2/17/10 8:56
Row 6 2/23/10 16:39
Row 7 2/25/10...