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Search results

  1. J

    VBA Macro for Mail Merge

    Dear Gurus, I have an excel sheet with email ids of people and also the email ids of their reporting managers. Now I have to create multiple letters, which I am contemplating to do with Mail merge and create the messages, but when I send out the output I want the mails to be sent with CC to the...
  2. J

    Excel - Protect confidential data

    I tried your idea BOB but couldnt achieve it still.. in mean time as workaround, I had written vba code to hide sheets and locked the project.
  3. J

    Excel - Protect confidential data

    BOB, I dont have any form requirement. I just need the data to be used in cells of the end-users..so is there way access can be linked to excel? I have to confess that your idea sounded like some sci-fi couldnt understand in first-read.
  4. J

    Excel - Protect confidential data

    You are right Luke, the person if wants to break in, will always break into it.
  5. J

    Excel - Protect confidential data

    Luke, thanks for taking time to reply so long. Actually the end users do a lot of iterations for which my data is required. It is payroll data actually so cannot be shared at all. To lessen the burden we hide the sheet with password and pass on the excel template for the end users to do their...
  6. J

    Hi Sir, Could you please help me on this...

    Hi Sir, Could you please help me on this http://chandoo.org/forum/threads/excel-protect-confidential-data.17890/#post-108008
  7. J

    Excel - Protect confidential data

    Dear Gurus, My requirement is like this. I have some confidential data, which is very sensitive to share to other departments and people. We have a common template where, in multiple sheets calculations are done. I keep my data in one of the sheets and reference it wherever the calculation is...
  8. J

    VBA code for selecting excel file through userform and copying data in sheets to new wb sheets

    Luke..thanks so much, I know I would sound a dummy by asking that many questions. I am now able to manage it. Thanks so much.
  9. J

    VBA code for selecting excel file through userform and copying data in sheets to new wb sheets

    Excel gurus, My requirement is like this I have a master excel file, with multple sheets of data and some pivot sheets based on those sheets. The common key for each of the data sheets is department. I have 20 departments. I create a copy of the master excel file first then I filter the data...
  10. J

    Grouping data Charts

    I have a data to be charted out. The data is like Activity A Scope Total Achieved Activity B Scope Total Achieved Activity C Scope Total Achieved. Now the above data I have for 4 weeks Now I need a chart in which I show in X-axis the Scope/Total Achieved - for all weeks under...
  11. J

    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    Hi Chandoo, nice to see that you have created a wonderful source of information here. I am from Hyderabad. Did my MBA from IIM Calcutta and B.Tech from IIT Madras. I was googling for a problem I just faced, and then landed up on your website I wanted to ask a question on excel so thought...