Thanks Narayan, your code is working beautifully. I'm taking your advise on not using merged cells. The reason I had them to begin with was that the user asked to have a cell for time in and time out for each employee. Later the user changed their mind.
Thank you for your help as this has...
Thanks Nebu and Narayan. I have a test file that I am uploading for your advise. I put in the code and now get a VBA error - Run-time error '1004': Cannot change part of a merged cell. My apologies as the cell that I am referring to is really merged cells B6,B7,C6,C7. When these merged...
I have two cells, A1 and B1, where values for each are from dropdown menus. Any way to clear the contents of B1 automatically if I delete the value in A1? When I try to use a formula to say if A1 is blank, then B1 is blank, but I get the error that what I entered is not part of the drop down...
Thank you so much Narayan. That is why you are an Excel Ninja. I do not have that much understanding of formulas and functions. What you have provided works fantastically!. I was only able to work with what I knew.
Thanks again and really appreciate the help! Lo Baan
I've created a list of weekly dates in 2016 that I use to do a vlookup based off of today's date to input that weekly date into cell B2. Can someone show me if a formula can create a perpetual weekly date instead of me having to update the list for 2017 at the end of 2016?
Thanks, Lo Baan...
Hi Narayan,
Yes, I was able to see the worksheet. Everything that is highlighted is accurate to what I was looking for. When dates change, September dates show the dates highlighted. The only thing was when Alabama in column F had a date for August and then in September it was blank. I...
Hi Daffy,
I appreciate any help. Here are my answers to your questions:
- Yes, each month is a different workbook with that month's date as part of the name.
- To answer your second and third question, I need to mention the the workbook is set up with static cells for each state, by...
Hi Narayan,
Yes, both conditions are possible. In either case, I need to highlight in the September report that there was a change from the August report. Either there was a previous date or not.
Would this mean I need an additional coditional formula or an additional formula for...
Hi Narayan and John,
Great to learn more new techniques. My highlighting of different dates is working fine, however, because changes to dates are entered by other people. I noticed that dates are not only changing but are also being added or deleted. The conditional formatting or the...
Hi Narayan,
Thanks so much for your work-around. I had to try it a few times and it works great. I have created the formula along with the conditional formatting formula and need to copy them to the next month's report. When time allows, I may my hand at creating a macro for this...
Hi Chandoo,
I am very impressed with your website and all the experts in your forum. I am a novice at all the functions in Excel. I use Excel 2002 and create a monthly report of states that list 5 different dates for each state representing different stages of project implementation. Dates...
I have worksheet of projects with dates that represent effective dates and I'm trying to get the closest install date from a column range of established install dates without going past. Basically I need to fill the cell next to the effective dates with the closest install date. Probably need a...
I am looking for a template of a simple table that will be used for testing. Each cell will have dedicated answers. In testing, folks will fill in blank cells and then can hit a button that will provide number of correct answers. Also another button that can clear all entries to start test...