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Search results

  1. S

    Using VBA to Change Drive Letter in Edit Links

    Little bit of tweaking and it works like a charm.
  2. S

    Using VBA to Change Drive Letter in Edit Links

    We've recently switch drive letters and I've written some code to open files, search and replace drive letters then save. What I would like to add is the ability to replace drive letters in the "Edit Links" section for all external links in the file. I have a range, starting in K12 that...
  3. S

    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    Howdy, My name is SuperKrishna and I'm a self taught "Office Expert" in my building. I'm responsible for mathematical modeling in an actuarial department for a global insurance company. I've been coding VBA and creating models for 12 years.
  4. S

    can we derive the worksheet name using formula

  5. S

    pivot table to count if an entry contains values and not count actual values

    I've tried % of row total and it's the same result. It gives the 1s and 0s but the totals don't sum. I can do it outside the pivot, but just wondered if any big brains could think of a way in the pivot.
  6. S

    pivot table to count if an entry contains values and not count actual values

    I have a pivot that counts the occurances in a table of "KEO". eval_dt Count of KEO 200912 7,732 201012 201112 201201 25,383 201202 201203 29,000 201204 29,788 Grand Total 298,320 Can anyone think of a way in the pivot table to get it to count the instances where "eval_dt"...