Actually... I was able to pull off what I was trying to do. After going through the import process Excel has that window pop up, asking for where you want the data to be placed...
I just typed in =$A$2 and everything populated corrected despite having the A and B columns hidden.
Thank you...
Thank you both for the responses!
Yes, I was thinking this would be something fairly simple, and I agree that what you mentioned would be an easy way to deal with the problem. However, this worksheet I am creating is going to be used by a very large number of people and it would be in...
Hello everyone! I am having a bit of a problem with importing data from a text file... Here is the situation.
The current spreadsheet that I am working on has a number of hidden columns, and I am importing data from a comma delimited text file. My problem is that the A and B columns are...
Thank you for the response! Unfortunately, I could not correlate the data on the website provided with what I am trying to do, but everything else I could work with and it's doing just fine!
Thanks again!
If I have any more questions I'll be sure to check out this forum again.
Hello all! I have only come upon this wondering website a few days ago and have decided to become a member of the forum since I have a problem with a project I am currently working on... Using Excel 2010.
The situation is as follows.
I am attempting to create a workbook where one column...