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Search results

  1. A

    Need VBA help for a quality tracker

    Hi Kaushik, First of all thanks a lott for attending my request so patiently, truly appreciate it. and sorry for my confusion around columns and rows. Answer: 1) You mentioned columns to be highlighted based on the below criteria: i) If both names are same then rows E to I should be...
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    Need VBA help for a quality tracker

    Hey thats not a problem, will wait..and wish you a happy and safe diwali to you and your family. Enjoy.. Regards, Alpana.
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    Need VBA help for a quality tracker

    Hi Kaushik, No worries,it happens ...:) And coming to code, its working fine.successful in the first part. Alpana..
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    Need VBA help for a quality tracker

    Hi Kaushik, Thank you very much , it helps , but having some difficulties as given below: 1) It gives data for one task at a time, and if I enter around 4 task together and click the button , it gives me data only for the last one,leaving the first three blank. 2) Once the entry is looked...
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    Need VBA help for a quality tracker

    Hi Kaushik, I am sorry.I guess the understanding is vice versa from the output i am looking.I will expalin you step wise procedure below. File description: 1234.xls - This is the project file where the details of tasks are captured , for example Task A is planned by Ravi and worked by...
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    Need VBA help for a quality tracker

    Hi, No worries,i have sent you the files to the emaild. I have reloaded the files in the below links. http://speedy.sh/rYEMu/1234.xls http://speedy.sh/3aMHQ/Tracker.xls And thank you very much for the help. Alpana.
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    Need VBA help for a quality tracker

    Hi Kaushik, Please find the link below , i have uploaded the files again. http://speedy.sh/nJgfr/QC-tracker.rar Alpana
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    Need VBA help for a quality tracker

    Hi, I am working on quality tracker which would helps us give details about the performance of an individual.The one we are using now is an manual entry as it involves data from several spreadsheets. Right now, I am working on an inbuilt tracker ,where giving the necessary field it would give...
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    Countif function in VBA with an condition

    Thank you Luke.I was new to VBA - just in basic stage, so could not crack it ..thank you very much...
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    Countif function in VBA with an condition

    Hi, Was tring to work with countif fundtion in VBA for one of my project In general , my values in the table would be shown as below: 4 columns A, B , C , D as Value , No, Product, Countif. I need to write a code to count the value column and give the desired result under Countif...
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    Can i create an macro to generate new excel spreadsheet based on the base data?

    Hi Hui, Thanks for the help.Sorry ,was not online from past 2 weeks to say you thanks... The code I was looking at was not this one, but , with the help of your forum i could resolve the issue and it clicked. Thanks to the forum and thanks to chandoo for coming up with a good site and Good...
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    Can i create an macro to generate new excel spreadsheet based on the base data?

    hi all, I am not sure if anyone is able to access the file,give an explanation brief below.it would be helpful if you can give me a solution. In a workbook1 i have 2 worksheets (i.e, sheet1,sheet2) Sheet1 is linked to several data , if I enter some data manually into the Sheet1, then its...
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    Can i create an macro to generate new excel spreadsheet based on the base data?

    Hi, Any luck with the macro. Sorry for keeping so many reminder mails,thought it shouldnt miss out in the forum.
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    Can i create an macro to generate new excel spreadsheet based on the base data?

    I am sorry, couldnt find the solution in the file. Guess it the same base data which is attached in the first link.
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    Can i create an macro to generate new excel spreadsheet based on the base data?

    Hi All, Could any one get this?Please update if you have an solution. Alpana.
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    Can i create an macro to generate new excel spreadsheet based on the base data?

    Thanks hui for uploading the file in the drop box , hope i get some help like this for the code . Excel experts - please help me out on this , it eases my work a lot. Let me know if any more information is needed.
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    Can i create an macro to generate new excel spreadsheet based on the base data?

    Hi Luke, Thanks for the reply. It would be greatful if any of the members can help me out with this. Or let me know if i can send you the file in anyother possible way. Alpana.
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    Can i create an macro to generate new excel spreadsheet based on the base data?

    Hi Luke, Thanks for the code,but i am not sure that its gives me the solution. I have uploaded an example file in the below link.Would be helpful if you can help me with the code,as i am new to VBA...
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    Can i create an macro to generate new excel spreadsheet based on the base data?

    sorry , deleted the link as i have some confidential data,can you please suggest me how can i share the documents when its confidential. Regards, Alpana.
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    Can i create an macro to generate new excel spreadsheet based on the base data?

    Hi, You can access the file from the below link,where i need help on. Have explained in the spreadsheet what i need actually. Could you please help me on this?
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    Can i create an macro to generate new excel spreadsheet based on the base data?

    Hi, Thanks for the update.I will try to load the file. Regards Alpana
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    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    Hi All, My name is Alpana.I am from bangalore. Being a big fan of chandoo and his excel tips, join the team to learn more. Hope i get some help for my excel issues. And chandoo ur great, bcoz of ur site i became an expert in excel,just started working on macros and VBA. Thanks a lottt for...
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    Can i create an macro to generate new excel spreadsheet based on the base data?

    Hi, I am very new to VBA and macros.This website really helped me in pick up some points regarding these topics. Query: I have 2 excels(base and reference) from which i need the data to be transferred to a new excel sheet. For example,Excel A is base data and Excel B is reference data, so...