Hi SirJB7...
I've copied this code into excel and renamed the tabs to "Oringinal" and Updated" but I get an error "1004; Application-defined or object-defined error". I'm not good enough to modify this code (understanding the worksheet requirements etc.) but I'd like to use this type of code in...
I have a management table in hierarchical order, the first column is an employee number, and the next 5 columns are levels of management up to the president in Column F
In the current worksheet, I have an employee name and number and I need to fill his immediate supervising manager. The vlookup...
Thank you BOTH very much! I knew VLookup wasn't the answer, but couldn't get EXACT to work properly...
I've never worked with Indexing, but it looks like I'm going to learn and that in the case of SFDC it will become my new best friend!
Jan :)
I'm trying to show why we need to use exact match when we have ID's that are case sensitive…first tab contains 4 records, 2 similar account numbers that are different with case sensitivities.
Each time I change the sort order of the data on sheet two, the changes to rows 2&3...
Officially a new member (data specialist using excel since the original 8088's - and that is NOT a typo!) I've been following Chandoo for years! Its been a tremendous help throughout my career and I look forward to many more years of interaction. I have a specific "exact match vlookup" issue...
New member here - and I did search before I posted...perhaps I'm using the wrong terminology as most posts here around "normalization" aren't what I'm looking for.
I am attempting to chart performance of individual PIDs against the performance of their entire PF. In the attached document, I...