What I mean here is Suppose I select.. Date-as "1-JUN" and then I select process name-as "AB'..then it should give the count of Total "P" ( Present Satus) of that particular process(AB) for that given date 1- JUN)...hope now I am bit clear...
Hi SirJB7,
I read the green sticky topics of your forum.. I am unable to upload the file from office..due to some restrictions..
I have the Database something like this:
NAME Process ID 1-JUN 2-JUN 3-JUN 4-JUN 5-JUN
A AB 12345 P W W P P
B AC 12346 P W W P P
C AD 12348 P W W P...
Hi Friends, I am associated with this site for last 4 months and find it really interesting and helpful...I work as MIS Specialist..and have lots of Analysis related work to do..I get lot of help from this site.I am looking forward to be associated with Chandoo..
I have the Database somethibg like this:
NAME Process ID 1-JUN 2-JUN 3-JUN 4-JUN 5-JUN
A AB 12345 P W W P P
B AC 12346 P W W P P
C AD 12348 P W W P P
D AF 12348 P W W P P
Now i have to count the number of "P" in for particular process for the particualr...
Using Excel Formula(Sumproduct)or Countifs or any other formula: how to count the number of present, Absent,CL, WO in the Attendance database for different processes or for the employees.