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Search results

  1. H

    Updating of caption based on value in Label

    Hi I have an excel VB user form that has the time mentioned in a Lable1 what i need is a code to use in vb so when the lable1 value is greater than 2:30pm then it should update caption1 as "Late" if not then "on time" i have got a formula in excel that works...
  2. H

    Updating Data in excel using VB

    I have a Database with the first row as the title row then the following 100 rows have data I know how to create a form in VB, but after that i need to have the data that is in the excel file to (from coloum A to I) to reflect in the Userform using a ListBox that is the first code that is...
  3. H

    Format issue

    Solution i used is that i put the time as Text only not as time
  4. H

    Format issue

    Tryed this but its giving an error Private Sub ComboBox5_Change() ComboBox5.Text = Format(ComboBox5.Text, "dd-MMM-YYYY") End Sub i have to define a source for the time to be pulled from excel , how can i do that the source data is in Sheet1 Range F1 to F49
  5. H

    Format issue

    I have made a Userform where in one of the drop downs allows the user to select the time Eg Request Time - 12:30:00 AM but when the data is selected the drop down shows 0.0208333333333333 which is the wrong format in the excel sheet i have put the right format as below Request Time...
  6. H

    Matching Data in excel

    I have tryed (ctrl+shift+enter) but it takes very long when dealing with large amounts of data , i was hoping someone would have a formula to search and match 3 criterios without (ctrl+shift+enter) cuz i have tryed this and it works but takes 20 mins to calculate this is the formula that i...
  7. H

    Matching Data in excel

    I have tryed (ctrl+shift+enter) but it takes very long when dealing with large amounts of data , i was hoping someone would have a formula to search and match 3 criterios without (ctrl+shift+enter) cuz i have tryed this and it works but takes 20 mins to calculate this is the formula that i...
  8. H

    Matching Data in excel

    Hi I have a report that currently has 2 critirios to be found and matched, and i use the following excel formula =INDEX($F$1:$F$10000,MATCH(A1,$D$1:$D$10000,0)+MATCH(B1,OFFSET(INDEX($E$1:$E$10000,MATCH(A1,$D$1:$D$10000,0)),0,0,COUNTIF($D$1:$D$10000,A1)),0)-1) Now i have to match 3...
  9. H

    VBA Code to add data from User form

    Ahhh dam that was easy thanx a billion was breaking my head with this for the last couple of days
  10. H

    VBA Code to add data from User form

    Hi I have prepared a user form with some drop downs as below - i have also Drop downs in the user form Label2.Caption ComboBox2.Text ComboBox1.Text ComboBox3.Text Label8.Caption ComboBox5.Text Label14.Caption Outlook script (Module1) Sub outlook_1(FilePath As String) 'Related to...
  11. H

    VB form Script needed

    A is the lowest person - the person who is raising the task B is a supervisor C is a Manger or the supervisors boss basically there should be 2 checks before the task is approved
  12. H

    VB form Script needed

    The code is what i need
  13. H

    VB form Script needed

    https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_8gsqDH91vgNEY0Y1FxaVZTajI4aU9RYk13S0dtZw I have uploaded a excel file to google - the vb forms need to be run to be viewed
  14. H

    VB form Script needed

    Yes i would like a procedure/Script to send mails I currently have a script that i use but i dont know how to change it to have a mail sent to different person every time - based on who logs in to the form , the mail is sent to a different person when submitted Are you saying that all you...
  15. H

    VB form Script needed

    Hi I am making a User form in Excel VB where 3 parties are involved Person A ,B & C Person A will log into the form and certain tasks are assigned to him when the task is compledted then he submits the form - (when the form is submitted an email is sent to Person B ) Person B will review...
  16. H

    Collation of data

    Question regarding collation of data I have Collate data of tasks compleleted by 150 people. Each person has to complete 2 or more tasks if compleleted before the 3:30pm then it would be considered as "completed" and if completed after 3:30 then "completed late" If the task is not...
  17. H

    Vlookup with multiple criteria

    Coloums are as follows Date - City - Task - Completed The formula needs to first find the date then the city then task completed and then retrieve the number in the completed coloum. I currently use this formula but it takes time to calculate as there are over 5000 entries...
  18. H

    Vlookup with multiple criteria

    Hi I tryed understanding the formula and got lost at the offset and match part , is there a way i can add 3 criteria's for search.
  19. H

    Vlookup with multiple criteria

    Hi! Thanks for the help - works just fine :)
  20. H

    Vlookup with multiple criteria

    I have tried to Vlookup with multiple criteria's with the below mentioned formula Eg;- A1 - I have a country name B1 - I have a state name C1 - I have to get the capital of the state automatically with the help of a formula The county state and capitals are in a table D E...