Hi Sajan
it took me some time, however, I just finished the steps that "to me" is interpolation. It was the basis of the macro that I wanted to make. I will be as basic as possible. Please bear with me.
Step 1
Open up a new Microsoft Excel 2010 spreadsheet.
Step 2
Click on cell "A1" and enter...
Hi SirJB7,
This code is fantastic... It saved me from a lot of trouble. This base64 method is exactly what I was trying to achieve in the first place and I was totally ignorant of this. You enlightened me. Now, I don't have to go in the hassles of interpolation/extrapolation (which i still...
Hi SirJB7,
I know inter/extra-polating non numeric values is something not present in Excel as we know. that is the main reason, I wanted to create a macro to do it, using some logic which i was not able to develop. However, the Base64 method you described seems interesting... will Google it and...
Hi Debraj,
Thanks for the links... I never thought there would be links for this. Going through these now... will get back after going through them...
The Starting Key and the Last Key would be something without logic like just a conglomerate of numbers (Eg. 3 and 15). Now, If I have to create 29 more keys using these two number then the interpolation variable would be 0.4. Now, if we use these 29+2 = 31 keys then these are interpolated...
example may be something like this:
First Key: J61GQ-S49SX-1CGUU-WCFZQ
Last Key: AYQ7T-PF6T8-X4JY8-TNH1H
Now, I want to create another 100 different keys using these two values (Interpolate).
The concept of first and the last key is that I want to keep track of the licenses sold in a...
Hi NarayanK991,
All I want is to be able to generate keys for my software using excel. The keys would be 20 characters in length and alpha-numeric with 4 sets of 5 characters (or simply 20 characters long). Now, I may pre-define the starting key and the ending key and interpolate the remaining...
Recently I finished one of my vb projects and wanted to sell it. For that I have to generate keys for activation. Interpolation and Extrapolation is a good method of generating version specific keys. uptill now, I was using only numeric keys. However, now i want to make them more robust by...
Thanks for the reply...
Yes, it is difficult to understand the requirement if the question is incomplete. I apologize for that. I will complete it now. Let's start from start...
1. When we open the file, it opens the splash screen where it asks the user to choose an option. We choose option...
Just found the way to upload files...
Here is the link to the file. I hope it will provide better understanding...
I have a worksheet where user creates an estimate for the amount of building material required for construction purpose as per the customer requirements. For each estimate entry, has to get the quantity of material required, calculated as per dimensions of work and amount of work [which...
After registering it successfully, when I tried to use it, it gave me an error message "the subject is not trusted for the specified action" and it would not add the grid in the form. Please help me with this.
Thanks for the post, it was really helpful...
One question though,
can we package this msflxgrid.ocx along with ms excel project so that whenever a new user opens the project file, this file gets automatically registered on his computer, iff it already is not present there??
Is there a way to get the famous MS Flex Grid in VBA Form as we do it in VB.Net? I was unable to find it in Add Control on the Control Toolbox.
Thank you very much... I was so engrossed in looking for/writing the code myself that I just forgot that microsoft has done it already as "before double click" even.... Thanks for reminding it to me again.
The code I thus wrote as like this:
Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal...
I have a program of inventory management where the user has to calculate the quantities of the item as an option. The Default item is one ( if the quantity is known); however, if the quantity is unknown, then the subroutine kicks in. But for that to happen the user wants that either he is given...
I am here again with a new problem.. I don't know Word VBA and recently was asked to make a macro in word. To be more precise, there is a book typed in MS Word and the owner wants that he should be able to mark certain lines/paragraphs/pages with any given identifier throughout the book...
Hi SirJB7,
Now, this is something new to me. Thank for the worksheet. Now, the user does not even has to manually scroll the list. The user would be happy to see and use it. Let me try it on my project and lets see what the user has to say about it...
Sumit Bansal.
Hi Narayan,
Thanks for the insight, will try to work around for all the four points you suggested. However, just for the knowledge sake, can validation list be made to search the keywords just like in google crome where you just type few letters and the remaining word gets auto-complete? if...