Hi SirLB7!
Thank you for your answer.
I tried it, but I was unsuccessful. I did not find the menu what you said (PowerPoint2007).
There is a popup menu in the ribbon if I click to a chart. Chart Tools/Design/Refresh Data and with this I can update a chart. But do it with one chart only. And...
I have to create new files, because a can not use the original one due to the safety regulation at our company.
The files are here
I hope it will work, because this is my first file sharing by this way.
It is includes several other sensitive business data.
I will try to remove these or make a similar one what I can to show you.
By the way, how can share a file with you or other forum members?
Dear All,
I have a problem, but it is not a clear excel issue.
I have an excel file with 18 charts. We put the fresh data into this file and it is show those on the charts. (Really nice charts thanks to Chandoo :) )
But we have a special screen in our office. This is a small computer...
Dear All,
In advance, sorry for my poor English and my not so perfect knowledge about Excel.
I try to do my best to describe my problem.
I have an excel sheet in Excel2007.
There is to columns C and D.
I have to reach that, if somebody write something into C2 than no possible to write...