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  1. D

    =IF returning True when it is False

    Thanks, but that does not work. The Data form is -1 because it does not have a header row.
  2. D

    =IF returning True when it is False

    Here is the link to the workbook: https://docs.google.com/open?id=0BwqYK4FIK-daZjZjYTEzOTYtNzkwMy00YTIzLTgxZjAtNmMyNTIxYzRmM2Y0 Thanks.
  3. D

    =IF returning True when it is False

    Sir JB7, that is correct. Now if I take the formula and place it in the Macro worksheet, and change the A1 to the worksheet reference (M26) and B1 to M24 it does not work. BTW, on the original post I took out the M26=HAVE and HAVE NOT out and did a simple test of M24 and it still did not work. I...
  4. D

    =IF returning True when it is False

    I thought so too, however, I did change the Have & Have NOT values to numeric values and the formula still did not work.
  5. D

    =IF returning True when it is False

    The bigger picture is that I have data that is being pulled from a couple of workbooks into an Excel Mail Merge (using MACROS to do the mail merge). The formula below works when I test it on a worksheet, but will not work when the data cells are from other worksheet links. A B...
  6. D

    =IF returning True when it is False

    I am working with a Macro sheet and was having trouble with a formula so I stripped it down to a bare bones formula and it is still returning the wrong value. =IF(M24>100,M24,"") returns TRUE even when M24 = 82.